4 - Four

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The final school bell rang, and Chloe quickly stood up from her seat. Marinette knew why, and she groaned in her head when Chloe started heading for her.

"So... You ready?" Chloe had a huge smile plastered on her face. "Sabrina will be waiting for us outside of class, and my limo will be here shortly. We better go now."

Alya frowned as she watched Marinette and Chloe walk out of class. Seriously?! After what I told her... She still goes with Chloe?

"So Marinette, this is Sabrina," Chloe pointed at the girl that was waiting outside of the class. "And Sabrina, this is Marinette. We three are going to go to the mall, and have the best fun ever. Now come along."

Marinette and Sabrina laughed as they followed Chloe. When Marinette turned around, she noticed Alya, who was watching them walk away.

She doubts me. Marinette realized. Alya might have thought that she wasn't listening at all. But Alya didn't know what was up, and Marinette knew she could fool Chloe. Next would be Lila.

"I've been meaning to ask you..." Chloe had seen Alya watching them go. "What's up with you and Alya? I mean... In class, you two were talking to each other and seemed to be looking at me."

Marinette shrugged. "Nothing really. I was just telling her how we were going to have so much fun at the mall, that's all." Marinette hoped Chloe would believe her, and it seemed like she did, because she didn't ask any more questions.

"Oh really? Well, I just thought that she might have been spreading rumors about me," Chloe sighed. "That Alya girl has always been jealous of me, you know, because I'm rich and she's not."

Marinette clenched her fists, but hid her angry and annoyance with a smile. "She actually does seem to be jealous of you. When I was talking to her about going to the mall, she looked like she wanted to go as well."

"A loner, that's what she is," Chloe rolled her eyes. "I always catch her looking at me. Marinette, Sabrina, you need to stay away from her. She's going to fill you up with rumors and lies about people, because that's what she ever does."

Marinette slowly nodded as Chloe's limo pulled over. Chloe and Sabrina were caught in a conversation while Marinette stayed quiet as they entered the white limo.

"First let's go to my mansion. I want you to meet my Dad, the Mayor. Then after that, to the mall," Chloe said to the driver. Marinette took a seat and just waited for them to get to their destination. Chloe sat down as well and turned to the girls. "So, what kind of things do you like to get when you go shopping?"

There were Sabrina and Marinette in the limo, but somehow it felt that Chloe was just asking Marinette. Sabrina stayed quiet, lowering her head. Till this day, Marinette still didn't even know why.

"New clothes," Marinette finally answered. "You know, school has just started for me. Shopping is a great way to get some new clothes, some new shoes. All those new stuff that I would need in the future."

"Oh," Chloe laughed. "You're just like me."

Marinette hadn't really paid too much attention to Sabrina, but now she turned her head to her. "So, what about you, Sabrina?"

"She can't really answer that question," Chloe said before Sabrina could say anything else. "See, I get her clothes for her, so she doesn't get to decide."

Marinette stayed quiet, already knowing why. Chloe frowned at her. "Aren't you going to ask why she can't buy her own clothes?"

No, because I already know the reason. "Well... Why then?" Marinette pretended to look curious. A lot of pretending going on around now.

Chloe smiled. "Because I have to provide for her. Sabrina is my best friend, so of course I would help her. Isn't that right, Sabrina?"

Sabrina looked up and quickly nodded, before lowering her head back down. "See." Chloe smiled at Marinette. "I'm a good friend, so if Alya even tells you anything about me, make sure sure you know whether it's wrong or right." Marinette nodded.

The limo pulled up in front of the huge mansion Chloe was talking about. The driver and Jean helped the girls out of the limo, and they started walking over to the door, while Chloe talked and talked about stuff that Marinette could care less about.

"Oh Pumpkin, you're back," The Mayor stood up from his seat and walked over to Chloe, pulling her into a hug. Once the high was done and over with, Mr. Bourgeois turned to Marinette. "Care to tell me who she is?"

Here it was now. The beginning of Chloe's jealousy. Marinette had prepared herself for this.

"Oh, this is my new best friend, Marinette Cheng. She's a new girl at my school." Chloe smiled, then turned to Sabrina. "Right, Sabrina?"

Sabrina looked up, then nodded, before lowering her head back down.

"Oh interesting," Mr. Bourgeois nodded. "Come take a seat and let me serve you."

"What?!" Chloe gasped at her father's words. She had brought a couple of girls here but never had her father asked for them to sit so he could serve them.

"Yes. Marinette is absolutely welcomed here whenever she likes," Mr. Bourgeois nodded.

"Oh well, thanks," Marinette grinned. "But we girls actually were about to head to the mall, so, maybe later."

"Sure, absolutely."

Chloe followed the girls, now being the one to lower her head. Why had her father suddenly shown Marinette a ton of respect. She was new.

Finally they got to the gigantic mall and the three girls stepped out. Chloe led the way, with Jean besides her. Marinette and Sabrina walked behind the both of them.

"Marinette, you can get whatever you want, it doesn't matter about the prize, as long as you love it," Chloe smiled. Marinette realized... Chloe was really trying hard to make Marinette realize that she was a good friend. She already succeeded in her last life... There was no way this blonde was going to succeed again in this life.

"What about Sabrina?" Marinette asked out loud. "Doesn't she get any thing she wants?"

Chloe looked back at Marinette. "Haven't you been listening to what I've been saying? I get Sabrina what she wants, she doesn't get to decide. Also, yes Sabrina will get new stuff... Well, at least the clothes that would look new to her."

Marinette knew what Chloe was going to do. She always did this when she went shopping with Sabrina. Chloe would buy all the new stuff she wanted, and give Sabrina her old stuff that she didn't want anymore. Marinette didn't even know how Sabrina was okay with that.

They entered the mall and quickly Chloe grabbed Marinette's hand. "I gotta show you something! It's like the best thing ever." She turned her head to face Sabrina. "Hey Sabrina? Why don't you go with Jean and get some clothing that you think will match my taste."

Sabrina quickly nodded, and followed Jean. Chloe and Marinette went the other way, and so far Marinette couldn't help feeling that there was something off.


Word Count: 1210 (excluding this)


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