48 - Forty • Eight

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A short while later, Marinette was back in class along with Sabrina and Lila. Marinette gave Lila a little wave, which Lila was very confused by, but ignored it. Miss Bustier was busy sorting papers, and in the next five minutes was going to start the attendance.

Lila didn't notice the folded paper that Rose had put beside her as she took a seat. Marinette sat down, waiting for Chloe to bang open the door and yell out who locked her in the room.

Her phone dinged. She took it out while looking over at Miss Bustier, who was getting prepared to start class. Once Marinette looked down at her phone, she realized it was Adrien texting her.

A - hey Mari. How are you doing?

M - I'm in school. And you're not. Again!

A - sorry, I'm on my way. My father was nice enough to let me have my phone back again. Anything interesting going on right now?

M - oh yeah there is. Ivan came up with a plan to use on Chloe and Lila, and I've got people helping me. Btw Adrien, if you don't want to be late for school, you better hurry in now-

Marinette looked up as the door opened and Adrien walked inside, closing the door after he walked in, holding his phone on one hand and his bag on the other.

M - you made it.

"Nice for you to join us, Adrien. You may please take your seat," Miss Bustier pointed over at the seat. Adrien gave Marinette a wave first before he took a seat right next to Nino.

"Alright," Miss Bustier started. "For today's class, we are going to be doing-"

"WHO DID IT?!" The door suddenly banged opened, interrupting Miss Bustier from what she was about to say. An angry looking Chloe stepped inside the class, her face red from raging. You could literally see the smoke coming out of her ears and nose.

"Who did what?" Lila asked. "Where have you been?!"

Marinette smirked, knowing that the best part was now unfolding right in front of them. She gave Rose a small nod, telling her that it was her time now.

Chloe was still fuming, waiting for someone to spill the beans. "Someone locked me inside a room while I was trying to get my bag. Who. Did. It?!"

"Chloe, I'm not sure about who locked you, but... I did see Lila secretly following you when you were going to get your bag," Rose spoke up. Chloe turned to her.

"What?!" Lila angrily spat as she stood up. "I'm innocent! How could you even say that, Rose?"

"Actually, I don't think Rose is bluffing," Mylene spoke up next, just like the plan. "I did see you putting a black key inside your bag. It was kinda weird, but I decided not to think much of it. I mean, I thought it was weird because I remember seeing Miss Morgan, the librarian, using that key multiple of times to open Room #206."

"Room #206?!" Chloe turned to Lila. "That's the room I was locked in. Care to explain, Lila?!" Right now she didn't even care if she was working together with Lila. She wanted to find who did that to her and make them pay! She didn't believe so quickly that Lila would do such a thing to her, but if two people had already pointed her out, she wasn't so sure anymore.

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