51 - Fifty • One

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That girl! I know it was her! She framed me... She got everyone against me. I was supposed to get everyone against her, but she did it to me first! It's like she knew my plan!

She chuckled as she stared at her book. Her Revenge Book. Did Marinette really think she won? Did she think that she was so strong, and could take down any of her enemies. Well, she was absolutely wrong!

Marinette... I'm coming for you!!!
Just wait for my return!


Miss Bustier walked inside her class. She could feel all eyes on her, waiting for her to release the information about Lila.

"Lila Rossi has dropped out of our class, and moved in to another class, so you might still see her around the school," She spoke. She didn't really know how she felt about that. Sure, it was sad that they lost a student, but for goodness sale, it was Lila Rossi! Who wanted her around?!

Marinette sighed. "I thought she would, but I honestly didn't expect her to give up so fast." She let out a soft chuckle as she looked down. "I'm sorry I don't feel sorry about the situation."

"Ah, don't worry. At least our class can be at peace like it was before," Ivan spoke. "Well, I mean... If the formal bully is planning to stop!" He muttered under his breath as he looked over at Chloe.

"So, I was thinking a lot," Miss Bustier continued, ignoring her class's comments on Lila. "Since one student is gone, why don't we make a new seating plan?"

Marinette gasped at the news. "Why do we need new seating plans, Miss Bustier. Don't you think our seats are good?"

"Marinette, I do, but it's important to make all students feel like they belong," Miss Bustier explained. "I feel that the reason why Lila left was because she was wronged and didn't feel like she belonged with anyone. The only girls I've ever seen her together are Marinette, Chloe and Sabrina. I thought she was having a hard time making friends..."

"Having a hard time?!" Kim rolled his eyes. "Sorry, Miss, but I think you're wrong on this one. Lila called us losers. If I do say so myself, I think she was way better off without us."

"I agree with Kim. She acted as if she hated us," Rose spoke next. "She acted as if we didn't exist at all. Maybe that's why she didn't ever come near us."

"Yes, yes, I understand that, but just think... Maybe there's a reason why she's acting like this," Miss Bustier shrugged.

"Okay, that still does not explain why we're switching seats," Alya folded her arms.

"I thought if everyone got along with everyone else, this class would be at full peace," Miss Bustier suggested. "Actually, it was Mr. Damocles who suggested this. He wasn't too happy when he heard Lila dropped out of this class feeling all upset, and especially when Lila told him that she just felt like she didn't belong, so he said that he wanted everyone to get along so nobody else would feel left out and leave."

Marinette nodded. "Makes sense." She didn't really like this whole idea, but she shrugged it off anyway, not wanting to be the first to point out that she didn't like the idea. Plus, maybe it would be a good thing.

"Alright," Miss Bustier took out a black hat. "This hat now is filled with half of the class's names. I'm going to be separating you all into two groups. Group A, and Group B. Group B's names are in the hats, and one by one, the Group A will come up and take a name out. Whichever name you pick, is the person you're sitting next to."

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