50 - Fifty

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Marinette didn't know why she did what she did, but she did it anyways. She could see Chloe's shocked face. The blonde was covering her mouth gasping, like she couldn't believe what Marinette had said at all. She was flabbergasted.

"So you mean you haven't really been a real friend?! And why?!"

"Oh Chloe, admit it. You haven't been such a great, real friend either," Marinette pointed out. "Lets just say that I... Overheard your plan with Lila. I just wanted to pay you back."

"And why are you telling me this now?!" Chloe folded her arms, still couldn't believe what was happening. Of course! The only way Marinette had been finding a way around her plans was because she had known about her plans.

"Chloe, don't be too surprised. On one hand, I just want you to change, and you almost did." Marinette realized—she didn't just go back in time to get revenge on Chloe and Lila, but she also did so to make them change. If her enemies could change their ways, then they wouldn't plan their revenge and no one gets hurt in the end.

"And on the other?"

"On the other hand, I just want you to get a taste of your medicine," Marinette shrugged. "I just want to warn you... Whatever you do or whatever you plan to do, I'll always find a way around them. I'll always find a way to bring you and Lila down. But... I doubt you and Lila are going to be friends after what happened. Are you...?"

Chloe bit her lower lip at the question. She didn't answer, so Marinette started walking to the door.

"Oh, and Chloe?"

Chloe looked up.

"I'm sorry about your mother."

More astonished than ever, Chloe watched Marinette leave the room. She looked down at the floor, the words that Marinette gave her roaming around her head.

She wished her mother had never been brought up. There was no way she could forgive Lila easily for what she did. Lila would just have to work on her own. And maybe... Maybe Chloe was soon going to start planning her own revenge on Lila!


For two whole days, Lila nor Chloe came to school. After two days passed, Chloe came to school on the next day, but still no sign of Lila. People were wondering if she was going to ever come back, or drop out of school.

Some students asked Chloe if she was okay, due to what happened that day, but some others were just glad that Chloe got a taste of her own medicine. They still bad-mouthed her, but all Chloe did was ignore them all.

She had taken her usual seat right next to Sabrina. Sabrina had asked if she was okay, but ignoring everyone, she also ignored Sabrina. It was as if she was in her own little world, thinking about something so important. It was as if her mind wasn't in the real world anymore.

Marinette sighed at the new Chloe. Usually she would come to class to Chloe talking so loudly about whatever happened to her, but now she just looked down at her desk, so quiet, not saying a single word. For a second, it kinda scared Marinette, but soon she figured that Chloe was probably thinking about what she had said before.

Finally Chloe had turned to Sabrina. Sabrina looked so worried for her best friend; she wanted to do something, yet at the same time she didn't know what to do. She was helpless.

"Am I...?" Chloe spoke softly. "Was I really a bad person?"

Sabrina gulped at the question. She didn't want to make Chloe feel even more bad than she already did, but on the other hand, she didn't want to lie to her. Sabrina looked down and slowly nodded. "You kinda were."

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