43 - Forty • Three

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Miss Bustier was quick to get up from her seat, facing Marinette and then Lila. "Lila, what do you mean?"

Lila smirked. "I actually got to class early today, and when I did, I saw Marinette breaking inside your class. I spied on her and saw her taping an answer sheet under her desk. I didn't know what to do at that moment, so I went to the bathroom to think about it. I was wondering why Marinette would do such a thing, and I didn't want to call her out because she was my friend, but later on I decided it was a good thing to call her out."

Miss Bustier turned to Marinette. "Marinette, is this true?"

Every eyes were on her now. It felt just like her old life, only this time she was going to win it all.

Marinette stood up with a small smile. "Miss Bustier, don't tell me you believe her. Lila is most likely the one to cheat in this class. Actually, the story is the other way around. I was the one who caught Lila putting the answer sheet under her desk. And Lila isn't the only one."

Lila and Chloe frowned. No, they weren't the only ones. The whole class was frowning.

Lila got out of her seat and headed towards Marinette. "I'll prove it to everyone here."

"Please," Marinette moved away from her desk. "Be my guest."

Lila smirked and got under her desk. Her face expression changed quickly from a smirk to a confused look once she saw that nothing was under the desk like she had expected. She spent about 10 seconds under the desk, wondering where the answer sheet was.

Soon she got out from under the desk. "I... I don't understand. It was there. I... You have to believe me."

"Oh please," Marinette rolled her eyes. "Save your lies for anyone who would care. You and Chloe were the ones to cheat. If you don't believe me, then you can even check under their desks!"

Yes, after a while of thinking, Marinette decided not to get Nathaniel into this. He wasn't part of Chloe's and Lila's plan to frame her, so maybe he shouldn't get the punishment. She didn't think of him as a friend anymore though. Nathaniel might have agreed to help Chloe and Lila because they gave him something he really wanted in return.

Adrien stood up and went over to Chloe's desk. Chloe yelled out about how Marinette was lying, and Lila was nodding, agreeing with her. Soon Adrien came out from under the desk, holding unto a paper like Marinette had expected.

"Marinette wad right!" Kim and the rest of the class gasped. "Chloe was cheating, but is Lila though?"

Max who was sitting close to Lila, stood up and went to her desk. 3 seconds later, he was out from under the desk, holding a piece of paper. "Lila was also cheating. This paper holds all the answers for the test."

Miss Bustier slammed a fist on her desk, startling some of the students. "Chloe Bourgeois! Lila Rossi! Follow me to the principal's office."

Lila didn't know what to say as she walked over to Miss Bustier. Chloe followed behind, glaring at Marinette while at it. The three of them left the class.

"Wow Marinette, how did you know that they were cheating?" Max turned to Marinette, amazed.

Marinette smiled. "Like I said, I caught them. Chloe was able to get the key from the principals office and the both of them broke in, stealing the answer sheets and taping them to their desk!" Marinette turned to Nathaniel. "Don't you just wish you weren't a part of them?!"

Nathaniel gulped, knowing that Marinette was mostly talking to him. He stood up and rushed out of the class, saying something about needing the bathroom quickly.

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