18 - Eighteen

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I only came here for my date with Adrien. I came here to get closer to him, know how he really felt about me, and it was going all well... Until Lila, Chloe and Sabrina came along.

Why can't these girls just leave me alone for now? Why can't they understand that not every good things comes their way, and there's nothing they could do about it? Why can't they understand that I need to enjoy my happiness just as much as they want to enjoy theirs?

Why can't Lila understand to back off from Adrien?!

Marinette was thinking silently to herself, untill Adrien walked up to her with a small smile.

"They're going to call out the winners soon, and then there's a huge surprise at the end," He spoke. When she said nothing because she wasn't listening, Adrien frowned. "Are you even having fun here? You've been getting distracted lately."

Marinette felt bad. This was exactly what Lila wanted — to mess up her date and hope that Adrien won't ask her out ever again.

"No, no, Adrien, I'm totally enjoying myself," She tried to assure him, but Adrien didn't look so sure. "It's just... Lila and her friends." She didn't know whether to tell him the whole truth.

"What did Lila tell you?" Adrien sat down next to her on the grass.

"You wouldn't understand, but she... Apologized to me," Marinette answered. "But it was a fake apology."

"How do you know it was a fake apology?" Adrien asked again.

"Because.. I can tell when she's lying," Marinette decided on that answer. Besides, it wasn't like it was a lie. It was still the truth... Just not the whole truth.

"But aren't you and Lila friends?" Marinette knew he wouldn't understand. "Why does she need to give you a fake apology?"

All Marinette wanted was to go on a date with Adrien and have fun, but now here they were, sitting down next to each other, and talking about Lila. "You know what? Let's forget about it! Let's pretend this conversation never happened. Let's just have a good time without mentioning Lila's name. Okay?"

Adrien shrugged. "Cool."

"Alright, now we're about to hand out trophies for all the winners that won each activity," Someone yelled out, gaining everyone's attention. They started spouting out names and Marinette and Adrien just waited for their names to be called.

They had won three trophies. Marinette could see Lila folding her arms and watching her and Adrien. Once Marinette turned her way, Lila quickly gave her a fake smile and turned away.

If she's going to be so sad and upset, then what's the point of her staying here and looking at us. Isn't that just going to make her more upset?

Marinette and Adrien placed their trophies somewhere safe, and went and sat down on the grass again, where everyone else were sitting.

"So, what's going to happen now?" Marinette turned her attention to Adrien, who had a huge smile up on his face.

"You'll see," Was all Adrien said, the huge smile never leaving.

Suddenly people started counting down from 20, and Adrien slid closer towards Marinette. Marinette, at this point was very confused. It was when they reached 15 seconds that Marinette turned her attention back to Adrien.

𝑅𝑒𝒷𝑜𝓇𝓃 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝑅𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒Where stories live. Discover now