29 - Twenty • Nine

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When Marinette looked up from her phone, she saw two people walking towards her. No, it wasn't Chloe and Lila. But Marinette was sure surprised why who one of those two people were walking towards her.

"Hey Adrien," She waved at the boy, and he waved back. Then her eyes turned to the other. "S-Sabrina, what brings you here?"

"I came here to send you a message," Sabrina stated, as if almost proudly. "From Chloe."

"Okay," Marinette was surprised that Sabrina was giving her a message from Chloe. Usually, Chloe would just text her if anything important came up. "What is it?"

"Chloe told me to tell you that you're a real stupid brat! She said she got Lila now, and me, so she doesn't need you to be around her anymore. She doesn't need you to be her best friend," Sabrina spat. Suddenly her mood changed. "Chlod says that she knows that the only reason you're around her is because of her riches. You're just around her for her money, so she says that you two are over!"

Marinette had to admit; she was a little surprised that Sabrina came here to her just to say all those words, but she smirked anyways. "Chloe didn't really say that, did she?"

"What so you mean?! She did!" Sabrina yelled, not even caring that Adrien was there, listening to her. Marinette knew she was lying anyways. Chloe and Lila were pretending to be her friend to get revenge on her, so why would Chloe suddenly say that she didn't need her anymore?

"Sabrina, it's okay," Marinette chuckled. "I know Chloe didn't say all of that. You made it up. You're just trying to separate me and Chloe because you're jealous that your own best friend moved on to another best friend!"

Sabrina gasped in shock. "How did you- how did you even come up with that idea?!" She pretended she didn't know what Marinette was talking about. She pretended that what Marinette had just said was not the truth and was the funniest, stupidest thing she'd ever heard.

Marinette rolled her eyes. "I have my ways at figuring things out, and I know what I said was the exact truth. Sabrina, I want to tell you something, but I'm afraid that if I tell you, you're going to tell it to Chloe."

"I..." Sabrina stared at her, not knowing what to say.

"If you want to hear what I have to say, which I promise you is very important, then you have to promise not to tell Chloe and Lila," Marinette said. "If you don't want to hear it, then just leave!"

"Do you promise to leave Chloe after I promise not to tell Chloe?!" Sabrina folded her arms. Marinette could tell she wanted to hear what she had to say.

"Yes, I most definitely promise."

"Fine. Then I promise as well."

"Alright," Marinette began. "Chloe and I aren't really best friends. We're not even friends. Chloe is using me! See, she got so mad and jealous that I won the designing competition, so she decided to pretend to be my friend to get revenge on me. I mean come on, it's not my fault my design was better than hers!"

"Oh... Tell me more!"

"I'm pretending to be Chloe's friend so I can make her look stupid, thinking that I'm actually her friend," Marinette continued. "Also Sabrina, Chloe is only using you as well! The only reason she's ever beside you is to get you to do things for her, because she's one lazy girl! Do you really want to live the rest of your life, working for someone? Or do you want to go live your own life?!"

"I... The second option," Sabrina muttered, not sure on what to think anymore.

"I thought so," Marinette nodded. "It's not too late for that. You and Chloe can still be friends, just don't let her boss you around. You never know, Sabrina, you could be the one to change Chloe into a better person. Now you may leave my sight!"

Sabrina quickly nodded and started leaving the stand. Marinette then stopped her, and Sabrina turned back to her.

"Hey Sabrina," Marinette gave her a smile. A real smile this time. "If anytime you need a friend... I'm always here..."

Sabrina froze for a second, before she actually nodded and left. As soon as she was out of sight, Adrien turned his attention to Marinette.

"Alright tell me," He spoke. "What are your plans with Sabrina?"

"Maybe if I get her to change, realize how bad of friends Chloe and Lila are, then she might come and help me!" Marinette smirked. "I plan to slowly take everything away from Chloe and Lila... Just like they did to me in my last life!"

"All I can say is good luck," Adrien shrugged. "Anyway... Nathalie told me that you wanted to hang out, so I came here..."

"Oh yeah. I was just about to close my stand." Marinette took out the 'closed' sign and put it on top of her desk, before she walked up to Adrien. "See... I actually wanted to hang out with my parents as well. I haven't been with them for so long."

"Sure, I'd love to finally meet your parents face to face," Adrien grinned, making Marinette blink at his words.

"Uh... Yeah... Okay, let's go try to find them..." She didn't know why, but she sort of thought that Adrien was making it sound like as if she was his girlfriend. She slapped her cheeks, trying to get away from that thought.

They finally found Sabine and Tom; they looked like they were looking for someone, and when they saw Marinette and Adrien, they waved and started walking up to them.

"Hey Mom, Dad. We've been looking for you," Marinette gave her parents quick hugs before she turned to Adrien. "Adrien and I want to know if you two are free to hang out with us."

"Oh, Adrien," Sabine turned to Adrien, and nodded. "Of course. It is quite rare to have the son of the famous designer come to you and ask to hang out, so of course we're going to take the chance to know you more." Sabine turned to Marinette with a sudden smirk. "Marinette, would you like to tell us who he is to you?"

"Huh? Uh, we... He's my... F-"


Tom, Sabine and Marinette turned to Adrien with wide eyes. "WHAT?!"

"She's my girlfriend. Right Marinette?" Adrien turned to Marinette, and Marinette gulped as she looked everywhere.

"Who... What... Huh? Well... Uh-huh..." She didn't know what to say. She couldn't believe what she had just heard, but a small smile slowly made its way on her lips. She felt so happy that she was frozen for a few seconds.

"Oh, Marinette, why didn't you tell us about this?" Tom asked.

Because I had no idea as well... Marinette muttered. "Sorry, I just had too many stuff in my mind that I forgot to tell you."

"Alright, enough of this. Let's go have fun," Sabine laughed, giving her daughter a thumbs up and grabbing Tom's arm.

Marinette started walking with her parents, that is until Adrien pulled her back. Adrien had a terrified look of his face though. "What's wrong?" She asked in a small voice.

"Did I make a mistake?" Adrien asked, making Marinette frown.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... Nathalie told me that when two people are dating, they're automatically together," Adrien spoke, his cheeks heating red. "Was she wrong?"

"Uh..." Marinette didn't know what to say to that. "I-I don't know. I'm horrible when it comes to relationships." She tried to laugh it off, but Adrien had a serious look on his face.

"B-but... Will you be my girlfriend anyways?"


Word Count: 1305 (excluding this)

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