17 - Seventeen

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For the first time in her new life, Marinette had never been so nervous. She wanted her date with Adrien to be perfect, but Lila, Chloe and Sabrina just had to walk in. Who knew what they were going to do. Marinette didn't know what they were planning, because this never happened in her last life.

She wanted to have a nice date where she didn't worry about anything, but now she had to worry about those three girls.


Marinette felt the wheelbarrow moving, and she could tell the race had started. Marinette kept her focus on the girls, and could see that Lila was pointing at her. Marinette had no idea what they were talking about, but she wanted them to just leave.

Marinette didn't know how long she had been staring at the girls for, but once she turned back to the game, she realized that they had crossed the finish line. What? What happened? Her exciting moment, or what was supposed to be exciting, was gone now because she had paid too much attention on something else other than the game.

"Marinette, we came third place." Adrien announced as he raised his hand.

"Who-hoo," Marinette gave him a high-five. "We did a totally nice job. Who came first?"

Adrien frowned at her, not sure if Marinette had been paying attention to the race, but he shrugged it off. "Alya and Nino."

"Boy, I'm not surprised," Marinette giggled under her breath. At a distance, Marinette could see Alya and Nino cheering at their win. Then she watched as Sabrina walked up to them. Marinette didn't know what Sabrina told Alya and Nino, but once she left, Alya and Nino were looking at each other with frowns.

Marinette tried to ignore it and turned back to Adrien. She couldn't let their dare be ruined. "So... So what's the next activity?"

"Egg race," Adrien answered with a smile. "So you basically have a spoon with an egg on it. You're trying to reach to the end without making the egg fall off the spoon. If the egg drops, you're out of the race. But only one person can do this now."

"You can go," Marinette shrugged. She knew if she did the race, she had be distracted.

Once they called out for the people that were joining the race, Adrien gave her a thumbs up and took off with the others. They were given a spoon and an egg. The players carefully placed their eggs on top of their spoons.

"Having fun?"

Marinette gulped at the voice. She wanted to focus on the race, now Lila was here to ruin it for her. "Yeah, it's amazing."

Lila nodded. "I know why it's so amazing, Marinette. Because you're doing it with Adrien, that's why!" Lila didn't look too happy. "And he should have been my date here."

"Lila, please let it go!" Marinette rolled her eyes. This was getting out of control now. "Listen, be glad that you never got a chance to confess your feelings to Adrien, because if you did, he was going to reject you and you would be so mad. He asked me out, not you. Please understand that." Marinette started walking over to some place else.

The race had started, and so far a boy was in front, leaving Adrien in second. Marinette noticed how Alya nor Nino participated in this race. What was wrong now?

They were almost to the finish line, and Adrien was still in second place. Come on, Adrien, you can do this. Just pass that boy.

Suddenly as the boy was about to cross the finish line, his egg dropped, and Adrien crossed the line first, leaving him to be first place.

Marinette started clapping with the rest. She couldn't be more happier that her teammate, her date had won this. If only Lila could leave her alone.

Marinette turned back to Lila. She was talking to Chloe. Well actually, Chloe was talking to her about something. Marinette was able to hear her name during their conversation, but she ignored it and ran over to Adrien, pulling him into a tight hug. "You did amazing there."

"Thanks," Adrien gave his widest smile, feeling great at their victory.

Someone tapped Marinette on her shoulder, and Marinette instantly knew it was Lila. What did she want now?!

"Adrien, I just wanted to congratulate you on your win," Lila smiled at him. Marinette could be able to see her pink tinted cheeks. Adrien just nodded with a small thanks. "And..." Lila turned to Marinette. "I have something to tell you."

Marinette turned to Adrien to see if it was okay with him. Adrien shrugged. "No worries, go ahead. I was about to go grab some water anyway."

Marinette nodded and followed Lila away from the crowd. "So, what is it? I hope this isn't about Adrien and I, because I swear, if it is, I will..."

"Marinette, it's okay. I just wanted to apologize." Lila interrupted her. Marinette would have believed her if she didn't know what Lila and Chloe were planning, but she had to go along with their plans for now. "I realized, I wasn't being a very good friend. I was supposed to be happy for you. Instead I was jealous and angry, so I'm really sorry, because how I acted isn't how a best friend would act."

Marinette nodded. "I'm glad you're doing this. I accept your apology, Lila."

"And congrats to you for getting your crush to ask you out," Lila muttered, before she started walking away.

Marinette knew the only reason Lila was apologizing was because she needed to stay friends with Marinette so she and Chloe could know more about her. They had to pretend to be real friends, when they were really just fake friends.

What Chloe and Lila didn't know, was that Marinette already knew of their plan!


Word Count: 991 (including this)

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