38 - Thirty • Eight

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< Sunday >

Marinette walked outside of her bakery, quickly being able to notice Alya and Nino waiting for her a distance away. She ran over to her friends, waving at them.

"Hey," Alya pulled Marinette into a hug before letting her go. "So, you asked us to meet up with you, and well, here we are."

"Yeah," Marinette nodded and took a deep breath. "There's just been something that I've been meaning to tell the both of you, but you have to understand and believe me." She started off, saying. Nino and Alya just nodded their heads, confused. "Let's talk while having some ice-creams. Come, it's on me."

Alya and Nino followed Marinette to Andre, the ice-cream man, who was busy giving ice-creams to three little children. The three of them waited in line, and soon when the children were done with their orderings, it was their turn.

"What you have to tell us... Is it about Chloe and Lila?" Alya asked Marinette, as Nino walked up forward to order his ice-cream.

Marinette slowly nodded. "Yeah, it is. Not surprised that you were able to guess it though. This has been in my mind for so long, and I've always wanted to tell you. Unfortunately, you're not the first ones I'm telling this."

"Well, I guessed that it was about Lila and Chloe, because," Alya began to say, "you know when we were on a double date, at that lace with so many activities?"

"Alya, I've only went on once date with Adrien and I'm never going to forget it," Marinette nodded. "So yes, I remember."

"Well, Sabrina came up to me and Nino," Alya looked down. "She told us... To keep a lookout for Lila and Chloe. She told us to watch out for them, and that whatever they said, I shouldn't believe them because they were lying."

"Oh." Marinette had always wanted to know what Sabrina had told the two, but she never got to ask. Now Alya was telling her.

"Next!" Andre called and Marinette moved forward. She ordered a vanilla ice-cream, and after her was Alya. Marinette paid for all three ice-creams, before the three of them headed to the park.

They sat down on a bench and both of them turned to Marinette, waiting for her to speak up and spill what was in her mind.

"So get this... I'm from the past!" Marinette began. "I already know what's going to happen in my world because I'm living my life twice now." She took another huge breath, before she started from the beginning, and explained everything as best as she could, talking about how Chloe and Lila were pretending to be her friends, how they got everyone against her, how they defeated her in the end, taking everything that belonged to her. Alya and Nino sat there with their mouths hanged opened.

"What, you don't believe me?" Marinette sighed. "Alright, test me. Ask me about what's going to happen in the future, and I'll answer."

"Okay, um..." Alya was thinking. Finally she snapped her fingers with a bright smile. "There's a math test coming up on Wednesday. How are we all going to do?"

Marinette widened her eyes. "You both will do great." She had totally forgotten about the math test, which shouldn't have happened because the math test was when Chloe and Lila made her look like she was a cheater.

She could still remember it like it happened just yesterday. Chloe and Lila had hacked into the teacher's computer, copying down the answers for the test questions from the computer. Then they had taped the paper with the answers just underneath her desk.

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