45 - Forty • Five

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Marinette walked inside the school the next morning. She was early; very early. Rose had told her to come early to introduce her to the group of people that she had gathered.

Marinette walked inside an opened class, where the meeting was held. Rose and some other people were sitting, seeming to wait for Marinette to arrive. Once she stepped inside, all eyes were on her.

"Marinette, like you said, I gathered the people trustworthy enough to help," Rose motioned to all the people around. Marinette closed the door and looked at each person one by one.

Alya and Nino were there of course. There was Ivan, who was smirking, already knowing that it was his plan they were doing. There was Mylene, Kim, Max and Sabrina.

"Kim, are you trustworthy?" Marinette was surprised to see him here.

"Are you kidding me?!" Kim laughed. "I heard that we're pulling a prank of some sort on Chloe, and I want in on it!" He exclaimed, looking all pumped up to get on with the so called prank.

"Remember Kim," Rose spoke, facing him. "It's not just a prank, it's also revenge."

"Yeah, yeah. Prank. Revenge. Basically means the same thing," Kim shrugged.

"And Max?" Marinette wasn't so sure of Max. "Max, this revenge includes lying. I don't really imagine you as a liar."

"It's okay," Max shrugged. "I've lied before. I'm pretty sure everyone else has. I may not be good at it, but you can totally trust me."

Marinette nodded with a smile. Finally her eyes turned to Sabrina. "Sabrina?... You... You're going to be going against Lila and Chloe. In this revenge we're going to be doing, Lila is going to hate you pretty bad, and once Chloe finds out the truth, she's going to hate you just as much. Are you sure you want to be in on this?"

"Marinette, I'm not going to be part of the revenge. I still have to do something to Chloe and Lila before they completely hate me," Sabrina spoke. "But if you need help, I'm always here."

Marinette nodded again. "Alright, I'm so glad you all are here. Today, we're going to be pulling the most epic revenge, which of course, Ivan came up with. Alright, I'll be assigning you all with the jobs you have to do."

"Alya and Nino - you two are going to be the ones stealing Chloe's bag. Once you get the chance, take her bag and go put it in a random empty room. You must remember what the room number is; that's going to be very important. Once you memorize the room number and have put the bag there in the room, you go to Mylene.

"Now Mylene - Nino and Alya are going you tell you the room number, and you also must remember it. Once Chloe asks where her bag is, tell her that you remember seeing a bag in that room. Give her the room number, and she's going to be heading over there.

"Then we turn to Kim - you're going to be finding a way to find the key to the room. In fact, that should be the first thing we do, finding the key. You'll hold on to the key, and you'll secretly follow Chloe to the room. Make sure she doesn't see you. Once she enters the room to get her bag, you quickly close the door and lock it. Make sure she doesn't know that you're the one who locked it. Once you're done, you go over to Max and Ivan and hand them the key.

"Max and Ivan - your job is to get that key in Lila's bag. You have to steal the bag and put the key inside, or you can put the key inside when no one is looking, especially Lila. Once Lila sees you putting the key in her bag, it's going to be game over!

"Then we turn to Rose - your job is to write a letter. Make it look as if Lila wrote the letter. The letter will be talking about how much she hates Chloe and wants to get rid of her. Once you're walking past Lila in class, drop the letter close to her, so it would look like it belonged to Lila. Oh, and make sure you sign Lila's name on the letter.

"Chloe would be banging on the door, screaming and yelling for help. Someone would hear her, and use a spare key to open the door for her. Then, she's furiously going to come inside our class and ask who locked her inside. Now, our job is to frame Lila. Rose, you'll yell out that you saw Lila following Chloe secretly. Mylene, you'll yell out that you saw Lila putting the key inside her bag, and Max, you'll point out that there's a piece of paper right next to Lila.

"Chloe might not believe that Lila locked her, so that's why we have to prove it to her. Sabrina, if you're willing to, you'll yell out and suggest to check Lila's bag. If you don't want to do it, Kim will do it instead. Lila's bag will be checked and the key would be inside Lila's bag. Now that's got to make Chloe believe that it was Lila. Besides, with some students saying that it was Lila, she'll have no choice but to believe that it was her. This might not ruin their friendship forever, but it'll at least get them to stop talking for a few days. Well, you all get the plan?"

Everyone turned to each other, nodding their heads.

"That is an excellent plan!" Kim exclaimed, a look of awe on his face. "I can't wait to get started."

"Yes, I totally agree," Sabrina smiled. "This is going to set Chloe and Lila off. Ivan, nice job for thinking of this amazing plan!"

"Thanks, but it was actually all you, Sabrina," Ivan chuckled. "If you never locked Marinette up in that room, I would never had come up with the ides. I guess it's true when they say a good thing will come out of a bad thing."

Marinette smiled at her teammates. "You're right, I can't wait to get started, which is why we're going to start now. All of us are going to be looking for a key that opens a room that's not being used. Any suggestions?"

"Yeah, Room #206 hasn't been used in quite a while," Nino pointed out. "I usually go there to study. It's really quiet. The librarian always holds the key to that room."

"Amazing. We'll use that room then," Marinette nodded. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but we're going to have to find a way to get that key from the librarian."

"Maybe if we send Nino to get it. He does use the room, so the librarian is going to give him the key," Mylene suggested with a shrug.

"But then the librarian is going to know that Nino has the key. Once Chloe asks who locked her in, it's possible that the librarian might be around, and tell Chloe that Nino had the key to the room," Max said, trying to think of all possibilities.

"Max is kinda right," Marinette sighed. "We're going to have to find a way to steal the key then. Any objections?"

Nobody replied, so Marinette sent them off to go and try to steal the key. The librarian always came early to school, so getting the key without her noticing should be no problem.

Hopefully this works. I've put way too much thought into this, and if we get caught, everyone helping me is going to get in trouble, which is going to bring the smiles up on Lila's and Chloe's faces. We're risking is all, and I hope at the end it's all worth it.

Chloe. Lila. You two have no idea what's coming towards you.


Word Count: 1318 (excluding this)

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