12 - Twelve

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It was after school. Marinette remembered about the whole designing competition thing that was today, so that was where she was going. She already made her design. Honestly it didn't take too long because this was the same exact design that she used to win the last time.

The last time, she had ran to the company, Gabriel, but this time, Adrien offered her a ride. She had accepted, and made sure Lila knew that she was getting a ride from Adrien.

Lila had to watch Marinette get inside the limo that belonged to Adrien. She has wanted to wave Adrien goodbye and safe driving, but she didn't feel like it anymore, and instead went home to get ready for the sleep over.

Marinette wanted to start a conversation with Adrien while they were in the limo. She wanted to get closer to him. When she had been back in class, she has read the note Lila wrote to Adrien.

"Adrien, do you think you're free to hang out with me after school?"

"So," Marinette began. She once again felt Nathalie looking at her, but decided to ignore the woman. "What did Lila say on the note?" She pretended not to know.

"Just asking me to hang out," Adrien muttered.

"But you're not doing that right now," Marinette chuckled as she pointed out.

"I knew you had this competition to go to, so I didn't want to go with her," Adrien just simply shrugged as if it was no big deal. "I told her after class anyway.

Marinette nodded. Finally they reached their destination. "Thanks a lot, Adrien." Marinette smiled as she headed out of the limo. Usually she would have felt uncomfortable thought out the whole ride, because of how Nathalie treated her, but a lot had been in her mind, so Nathalie was at the back of her mind.

"It's no problem, Marinette," Adrien smiled back as he too headed out of the limo. "Besides, I was heading to the same place anyway."

Marinette blushed. She knew Adrien was Gabriel's son, but she never expected Adrien to come watch the competition. This actually boosted her confidence, and she walked inside with Adrien by her side.

Because Chloe had left the school first with her limo, she had arrived there first. She already had her design all set and ready to go. It was a good thing that Marinette did too.


"And the final winner of this designing competition is..." The whole crowd waited for one name to be called, and finally it was. "... Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"

Was Marinette surprised? Definitely not. She knew this was going to happen, and she definitely acted like she was surprised. "Omg, thank you so much!" She headed to the front as more people started applauding for her. She could even hear Adrien cheering for her, giving her a thumbs up.

Marinette looked around, until her eyes landed on Chloe. Chloe looked mad, clenching her fists, even though she was trying hard not to show it. Marinette quickly sent an apologetic smile, in which Chloe returned, but later stormed off because she couldn't take it anymore.

After the whole thing, Marinette was finally set free. The first person she went to was Adrien, who congratulated her all over again. He even pulled her into a sudden hug, and Marinette could feel her face grow even redder.

"Do you need a ride back home?" He asked her, and she nodded without thinking. As she climbed inside the limo, her eyes met Nathalie first.

𝑅𝑒𝒷𝑜𝓇𝓃 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝑅𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒Where stories live. Discover now