9 - Nine

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If Marinette had never approached Adrien, Adrien would have totally gone with Lila when she asked him to join her for lunch. Marinette knew this was going to happen, so she asked Adrien to go out with her for lunch before Lila could.

"Sorry Lila, I would go but I'm already going with someone else for lunch," Marinette had overheard Adrien say. She smiled and walked up to them.

"Adrien, it's okay. Why don't we let Lila join us?" She shrugged as if it was no big deal. "The more the merrier, right?" Adrien just shrugged, not caring at all.

"Thanks," Lila smiled at her, but Marinette knew her too well now. "Hey, can Chloe come along? I mean, you two are best friends, right? Well, lately I became very close friends with Chloe, and now we're really getting along."

Marinette nodded. "Sure. Hey, exactly how long have you known Chloe for?"

"Well, for about two weeks now," Lila answered as she opened her locker. "She's the one who introduced me to this school, and she told me so much about you too."

"Oh, I'm sure she did," Marinette turned away. Yeah, did she also tell about her idea on how to kill me? Did she tell you bad stuff about me instead of the good stuff? I bet.

"Anyway," Lila took out her lunch money from her locker. "You and Nathaniel really seem to be very close? Are you two together?"

"No, they're not!" Someone else answered for her, which was surprising because at her last life, she had been the one to answer the question. When she turned, she saw Adrien. He had on a frown that he was trying to hide, but failed.

That's when Marinette widened her eyes, remembering. See if he gets protective of you. For example, if a boy is talking to you, see if he takes you away. In jealousy. Marinette turned back at Adrien, who was looking somewhere else. He looked somewhat annoyed.

"Oh that's a shame," Lila continued. "You and Nathaniel would have made an excellent couple. Do you... Like him?"

Marinette clenched her fists at the questions. Lila wanted her to say out loud that she liked Nathaniel, especially in front of Adrien. She thought Marinette liked Nathaniel, and in her last life, Lila had gotten pissed off when she found out Marinette actually liked Adrien.

"No, I don't like him," Marinette answered. She decided, before she had been careless and told Lila that she actually liked Adrien, but now maybe it was a bit too early to let her know about that. "I don't really like any boy in that sort of way."

"Oh," Lila nodded. It was if she expected Marinette to agree that she liked Nathaniel, but Marinette could tell that Lila was even more happier that she said she liked no one. "Well anyway, moving on to another conversation. Chloe said after school, me, you, her and Sabrina will hang out. You up for it?"

Yes, Marinette remembered very well about the hangout. It was when Lila and Chloe started tricking her and started getting everyone against her. They had used the hangout as a way to find out more about her.

"Sure," Marinette smirked. "I'd definitely like to come." She could use their plans against them, then they would know that they were messing with the wrong girl!


Marinette had asked to go to the bathroom before she, Lila, Adrien, Chloe, Nino and Alya head out for lunch. This scene was where she had overheard Sabrina talking to Rose, but she hadn't heard their full conversation because she loudly came inside the bathroom, making Sabrina and Rose stop their conversation.

This time she slowly approached the bathroom, and peeked inside. Rose and Sabrina were busy talking to each other, and even though she knew she was wasting time, Marinette listened.

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