20 - Twenty

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Tomorrow was the Fun Fair, and Marinette still couldn't help thinking that there were more ways to get Gabriel to change his mind. Adrien seemed to have noticed though, and had approached her after 2nd period.

"Listen, I know why you came over to my mansion, but Marinette, you should forget it. My Father is never going to change his mind once he's already made up his mind," Adrien gave her a small smile. "But...thanks for trying though. Means a lot."

Marinette blushed and tried to make eye contact with Adrien, but always finding herself looking away. "Thanks... I mean, you're welcome. I mean.... Both! Thank you and you're welcome." Adrien chuckled, and Marinette couldn't help the smile that rose up on her face.

Speaking of rose, Rose walked over to Marinette and Adrien. "Uh... Can I talk to Marinette privately, please?" Adrien quickly nodded and started walking off.

"What is it, Rose? Got something else?" Marinette asked.

"Well, actually... I've been giving it a lot of thinking, and I decided to finally help you full out, no matter how crazy your story sounded, I don't think you're lying to me, and I don't think you would ever have the guts to lie to anyone, especially your friends. I mean... I am your friend, right?"

Marinette quickly nodded. "Of course you are, Rose. And thank you so much for wanting to help me."

"So," Rose gave her a wide smile this time. "What should I do first?"

"Well, make sure that you get Sabrina off my back. I need to somehow explain things to her," Marinette decided. "Oh, and get close to her just in case she's got any evil plans up her sleeves. I want to be ready to deal with her."

"Consider it done!" Rose smiled. "I already have a perfect plan on how to get closer to her." Rose chuckled and started walking off. Once she left, Adrien walked over to her again.

"What was that about?"

"Oh, it's just this thing... That me and Rose are doing. It's very private..." Marinette was looking everywhere, searching for a lie. "It's like a girls group. Chloe and Lila are also in it. Yeah... Me, Rose, Sabrina, Chloe and Lila. We're trying to get more girls, but it's taking some time."

Adrien nodded, really seeming to believe her lie. She felt horrible, having to lie to a person that she felt close to. Maybe, it wouldn't be such a bad idea to tell Adrien the truth. But then again, so many things could go wrong, and Marinette was not about to take any risks.

"Hey Adrien, Marinette..." Marinette silently groaned as Lila started walking over to them. "How are you both doing?"

"Great," Adrien nodded. Marinette knew, if Lila had walked over to the both of them, then she had something planned.

"So, when are you two lovely couple going on your next date?" Lila silently laughed, giving Marinette a smirk.

"Date? Couple?" Adrien frowned.

"Oh, how do you not know?" Lila still had that huge, stupid smirk on her face. "Marinette was going around telling everyone about the date you both had, and well... She told everyone that you two were a couple. Was she wrong?"

Marinette then knew what Lila was planning to do. "Seriously, Lila? Even after what I told you yesterday, you still stoop so low just so Adrien can come to you?" Now Marinette had her smirk, knowing that she got Lila pinned down, with her on the top. "You promised me that you would move on! You promised that we were okay, and you still go and do this?!"

"Hey, let's just hear what Adrien has to say!" Lila gritted her teeth. "Adrien, are you and Marinette a couple? And do you seriously feel comfortable with her spreading lies about the date you both had."

"Lies?" Marinette rolled her eyes. Lila was honestly trying too hard. "What lie? I lied about the date now?"

"Well I mean... You told everyone that Adrien was all over you," Lila shrugged. "And that he was making you feel uncomfortable, getting into your business..."

Marinette lowered her head. She didn't want to admit defeat, but Lila really seemed to have planned this through. "Adrien, don't believe her. She's lying!"

"I'm lying now?! Marinette, we're best friends and you're going to call me out as a liar!" Lila acted as if she couldn't believe what Marinette had just said, and Marinette had to admit, Lila was a pretty good actor. "Marinette, why don't we ask someone and see if I'm telling the truth then!"

"Fine, but it can't be Chloe!" Marinette smirked, but Lila didn't look defeated after she said that. Instead Lila just had a wider smile.

"I wasn't planning on asking Chloe, Marinette!" Lila shrugged. "I'm actually going to ask one of your friends. You're friends with Nathaniel, aren't you?" Marinette didn't know what to say, but she slowly nodded. Lila then walked over to Nathaniel, motioning for him to come over.

Nathaniel walked over to the group, and Marinette had to admit that she was nervous. Lila turned to Nathaniel. "Hey, did Marinette come over to you and say anything about her and Adrien?"

Nathaniel fixed his eyes on Adrien, and Marinette swore that she saw him glare at Adrien. Finally he turned back to Lila, and nodded. "Marinette did tell me about the date she had with Adrien. She said something about Adrien getting all over her business, and making her feel uncomfortable... At least that's some of the things I remembered."

Marinette couldn't believe what she was hearing. Nathaniel was working for Lila. She totally hadn't seen this coming. Adrien turned around, and before Marinette could stop him, he took off. Marinette turned back to Nathaniel with hatred in her eyes. "I thought you were my friend! I guess I was wrong! Why would you go and lie to him like that?! I never said anything about Adrien. Why would you even think about doing that?!"

Nathaniel didn't answer, and instead he started walking away to probably his next class. Lila smirked at Marinette. "Marinette, Marinette, you shouldn't lie. You know what you said about Adrien, stop acting all innocent. But later on, I hope we can still be friends. I didn't mean to go against you, but I can't let Adrien get hurt."

"Haha, very funny, Lila!" Marinette clenched her fists. "I know you were lying. You made some sort of deal with Nathaniel so he could go against me."

"Marinette, like I said, I was just looking out for Adrien. I can't let him get hurt. Honestly, I became very suspicious of you," Lila spoke, folding her arms. "You told me that you didn't like Adrien, but then the next minute you agreed to go out with him. Don't you think that's a bit suspicious?"

"What do you mean?!"

"I think you were only using Adrien! You don't really like him, you're just dating him because of his riches and fame. I know what you're playing at, Marinette!" Lila pointed an accusing finger towards Marinette. "But don't worry. I'll keep your secret... If you just break it off with Adrien!"

"My secret? Lila, you're talking nonsense, alright! You can go ahead and tell people that, but we both know that's not the truth!" Marinette huffed. "I would never use someone because of what he had... Unlike you!"


Word Count: 1237

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