Chapter 1

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Sylphrenia stood waiting outside, on the steps of Auradon Prep, waiting for Prince Benjamin to arrive. Kids passed her, giving her odd looks on the way out, but she just stood there stoically.

On the inside, however, she was sulking. She was mad that Fairy Godmother had asked her to meet the new kids coming, but she had been asked to do menial tasks like this before. They were meant to "help her meet new people". Sylphrenia was quite all right with the amount of friends and acquaintances that she had, but nobody seemed to listen.

She turned as she heard Audrey and Benjamin walking down the steps. It seemed like they were arguing, and Sylphrenia couldn't help but overhear, as they were speaking loudly.

"...come on Bennyboo, just think of their parents. Do you think they were raised differently?" Audrey was saying.

Ben sighed and looked at Sylphrenia. She just stared back at him.

"Look, Audrey, they are not their parents. We should give them a chance." He told her.

Audrey sighed and hooked her arm through his. "At least I have an occasion to dress up." She looked up at Sylphrenia, nodding at her before tugging Ben down the steps.

Sylphrenia followed them through the gardens, which were just starting to bloom, and toward the street where most kids were dropped off for the school year. "How are you Sylphrenia?" Ben asked, turning to look at her.

"I am very well thank you," she replied.

Her voice made it clear she didn't want to talk, and Ben winced internally. Only Fairy Godmother and Ben knew why Sylphrenia was disconnected with others.

Sylphrenia was a first class Fairy, meaning she was made out of pure magic. Her mother had been Lady Nimue, the second lady of the lake. Sylphrenia had been sent to Avalon right after she was born, and nobody knew exactly what had happened there, except that she had turned up twenty years later having only aged around fifteen years.

Sylphrenia had been attending Auradon Prep for two years, and was still awkward around the other students. Which was why she was standing beside Ben and Audrey, waiting for the new students to come. Fairy Godmother was organizing the band players and everyone was crowding around with banners and posters, prepared for welcoming the kids, however, underneath all of the excitement was some underlying tension.

Internally, Sylphrenia sighed. They were just new kids arriving. What would be so different?

It was hot outside, and Sylphrenia's dress was starting to stick to her. Ben was chattering happily to the two girls on either side of him, but neither of them were listening. Audrey was twisting her hair in her finger, and Sylphrenia was watching the road, waiting for the limo to get there so she could leave.

At last, the limo came into sight, and Ben quickly finished up his one sided conversation. Audrey quickly fluffed her hair, and Kids were started cheering and as the band started playing. In the eyes of the Auradon kids, everything was perfect and ready for their arrival.

The car stopped in front of the crowd of students, and the driver opened the door. Two kids stumbled out. The one on the ground had white hair, and white, red, and black clothing. The son of Cruella, Sylphrenia decided. The one on the top was what she assumed was a specimen of what other girls called "cute". He had long dark hair and was wearing a red and yellow vest. Definitely Jafar.

Two girls stepped out behind them. The purple was the daughter of Maleficent. The blue, the Evil Queen.

"You got everything else, why do you want this?" Cruella's son yelled out, trying to hold onto what appeared to be a scarf.

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