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It's Friday,and yes of course I'm here at school.Staring at wild classroom of our section since our teacher is ten minutes late.

"Yah! what's that deep thoughts?Are you again thinking about your childhood memories?*chuckled*Oh come on!"Sandara asked and that makes me go back to reality.I'm going answer but Sabrina interrupted me.

"It's been 7 years but you still don't forget about him.We are your friends right now.We don't even know if he is still exists."Sabrina added.

"Who the hell tell you that I'm thinking about it again?Tsk"I said and rolled my eyes in annoyance.By there words it makes go back to my past.


It's now my summer vacation but instead of taking a rest my uncle,Bang Shihyuk,enrolled me to his dance studio to learn how to dance.Stupid right? It's like your mother bought you a toy that you don't like.

I entered the campus with my friend.We are walking going to our dance room while having a conversation when someone stupid bumped to me and his drink, ice chocolate,is over my clothes.

"Oh shit!"I cursed as I looked at him and hell he is smirking.

"Yah!Do you find it funny?"I said in a pissed tone.

"You're the one who bump to me."He said and smirk together with his stupid friends.

"Instead of saying sorry, you're still in your your pride.Are you the one who had this stain on your shirt?Not right,I am.Then say sorry."I said while controlling my temper because my blood begins to boil.

"I won't do that."He said and walk pass by me and bumped his shoulder on mine.

"Yah! Mr.Stupid!"I said and turned to face him.

"Are you calling me?"He asked and added a smirk.

"Yes,you Mr.Stupid."I said and point him.

"Can you repeat what you just say?"He said pissed.

"Are you deaf?I said,you Mr.Stupid.Satisfied?"I said in a cool way.

"Wtf!"He said as he hold my wrist tightly but I yanked it.

"Remember this,one day you'll say sorry to me."I said turned to my friends and walk away after that I didn't hear any words from them.

Few days past.

It's now battle for the dancer of this campus and guess who is my entrant for this dance battle.The one and only Mr.Stupid.

"Let's called Lee Hyerin."Our teacher called me and I went to the center of the stage.

"Now let's call Jungkook."She said and Mr. Stupid went to the stage.

Jungkook is the name,nice name,but whatta stupid manners.

While the two of us is dancing for the showdown he hit my head and that makes me lost my balance.I know it's not accident he meant it because I saw him smirking.
The teacher walk towards me and helped me to stand.I looked at my knee and there is a little bruise on it.

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