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Minji's POV

2 weeks later.

Monday,is just ordinary day for me,I'm here at Bighit,doing my usual routine as Jungkook's PA,but there's a lil bit changes in my everyday life,which is ignoring Jungkook for 1 week straight.Why?simple he's busy for practicing the choreography for their comeback.Well, it's just a simple ignoring,when he say 'Hi'I just smile and quickly walk away.

Afterwards the door suddenly open and followed by a loud slammed and he locked the door.I look at the door just to see Jungkook walking towards me with his sharp gaze is directly looking on my eyes.I just gulped and in just a blink of eye,he pulled me out of my seat and harshly pinned me to the wall with his hands is on my both shoulders.

A few seconds past and he just stare at me,and he planted a kiss on my forehead."That's because I miss you."Then to nose,"for ignoring me."Then a passionate kiss on my lips making me response on his kiss."That's because I love you."He said after he broke the kiss and stare at me.

"Remember this, don't try me to miss you that much,I'm really violent.Remember last night."He said and his last words he added smirk which bring me to the night when we are in the rooftop.He did what he just say,I'm loud that time and totally messed that night.

"You remembered?"He asked snapping my thoughts and I heard his devilish smirk again."See you around."He said and kiss me again.He left me alone in the room,still speechless.

Thanks god!There is no camera here in the room.I swear my uncle will kill me if he watch the footage.

Then my phone suddenly buzzed in the desk.I walk towards their and I saw Hanuel calling me.

Hanuel:Mi-Minji....He-help me.
Why did she sounds like weak?
Me:Hanuel!What happened to you!
Hanuel:Go to the aban-abandoned shoe factory two blo-blocks a-away to the Move to the Groo-groove Dance University.I can't ca-call anyone but yo-you.He-
Me:Hanuel!Are you still there!

Before she could finish her sentence,the phone call was ended.My mind is not processing right now?How could I help her?But she needs me,she sounds really weak lately as if someone beat her up.

Nevermind,I will think about that later,right now, the important is to help her.


The road going to the abandoned shoe factory is so creepy.It's like a place where typical crimes happened,blood stain on the road,broken bottles everywhere,vandalism in the wall and a drawing of a dick.Making me to not proceed to factory and drive going back to Bighit,but thinking about Hanuel's condition,I felt really bad.

I stopped in front of an abandoned factory,and still having a double toughts if I'm going to enter it.

I sighed and take all my courage to enter the factory.I still wonder,what happened to Hanuel,and what is she doing here in this place.

The place is so stink,the odor of the urine is killing me.I just pinch my nose so hard and enter the factory.I just keep on walking and I don't know where my feet will take me.

"Aghhhhh!"The scream made my heart beat fast.I just keep on walking and looking where the voice come from.I averted to a room,then I can really here that there is someone talking inside.The window of the room is broken so I peek on the room and trying  not to make any sound that can grabbed their attention and trying my best to hide myself.

As I peek,I saw Hanuel sitting on the chair and her hands is not tied,looking so fine and don't even have a bruise or wounds.

"You punk!Get lost your so stink!"She yelled on the guy on the door.

She look so fine,but why did she sounds like weak lately?

"What are you doing?"A deep voice startled me.I turned around to see a tall guy with a broad shoulders,his face covered by a mask and cap,only revealing his eyes.

Before I could I say anything,he harshly pulled my arm.I keep on trying to slipped my arm on his grip, but he is strong enough.

"Let go of me!"I yelled as I throw some punch on his chest,but it's like just a bite of ant because he just ignored it,as if I'm a ghost.

He opened the room and throw me making me fall on the floor.He slammed the door and locked it outside.

I stand on the floor and walks towards the door,trying my best to open it but it's just fuckening locked.

"Aghhhhh!"I shouted as I go to the window which is glass.I throw some punch on it,untill my hand ooze some blood,but the glass didn't even cracked.

I search my phone on my pocket,luckily I still have it.I press the button and sh*t it's not switching on again.

"Not now!"I said as I harshly pressing it until I didn't control my anger and throw it on the ground,making it shatter into pieces.


Hours past and the bright sky outside is turning into dark one.We are still here in the factory,I didn't even know what is the exact time,since my phone is ruined.

I can't still understand why did the guy lately didn't beat Hanuel for saying the he is stink.If she is being kidnapped then the guy must make her suffer,but it's not.She's still fine.

I'm confused.

"Aghhhhh!"I heard a scream again,I quickly stand up from the corner and made my way to the window.

"Let go of me!"Then Hanuel appeared on my sight with a guy pulling her hair harshly,and anytime her hair will detach on her scalp.

Then the guy throw some punch on Hanuel's stomach,but this unbelievable she didn't even groaned making me think that the punch is fake.Hanuel knee the between on the legs of the guy, the guy collapsed on the floor yelping in pain,as soon another guy arrived then pulled Hanuel's arm then push her on the floor making her landed on her right arm.She landed very bad,I think her right arm was fractured.

"Ow!"She yelped in pain while holding her right arm.

I want to help her but I'm just stuck here in the room and just watching her dying in pain.After that,they are no longer on my sight.

What should I do?

"Minji!"Hanuel yelled while banging the door.

"Hanuel opened it!"I yelled while banging the door too.

"Stay away I will kick the door."She said and as I take a flinch.

She kicked it and the door is widely open.She run towards me then pulled my arm with her right arm.She then dragged me out of the room.

I thought her right arm is fractured,the way she yelped in pain lately,making me think that her arm is fractured.

She coughed and I realize that factory is on fire.
A dark fume is covering the area,which making the both of us difficult to see the way to exit and cough bitterly.I looked up to see a lumber which is on fire is going to fall on us.I push Hanuel forward and I have no time to move so I just parted the the lumber with my right arm,making it burn.

"Minji*cough"Come on!"She said as she pulled me outside the factory.As we both exited the factory,police,fire truck,ambulance,random people and our friends are there.I can no longer walk towards them as soon my sight become blurry.

"Minji!"Jungkook's voice echoed on me,he is approaching me,then my sight become black......




~cute savage~

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