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Minji's POV

Aish!Boring!Boring!I mentally said and throw myself on the bed.

Done reviewing and I'm here at my house staring at a blank space.I don't why I still have the interest to review even I don't think if I can attend the final examination on Monday?

Maybe someone falls from heaven buy me a uniform.

"It's kinda near."I said when I saw the calendar.

Without any hesitation,I stand up and grabbed my purse.


I entered the convenience store and go to the sanitary pads section.

Carefree.Sounds good.

I made my way at counter when someone bumped to me and I fell on my butt.
He wears black cap,black mask and a black shades making me curios if he is men in black.

"Carefree,huh?..."He said and I feel he is laughing.

I know who is it.

He put his hand on my front offering a help.
I grabbed his hands and he help me to stand.

"Your period is near?"He asked making uncomfortable because hello!His a boy and asking for a girly talk makes me embarrass to answer it.I just nodded and looked away.

"Pay it and just wait me outside."He said and walked past by me.I go to the counter and pay the cost.


"Let's go.."He said and grabbed my hands but I stop him.

"Where?"I asked as he looked at me like 'wth'.

"Do you really live here?"He asked making me think what he is pointing out.

"Tonight there's a firework display over there because today is the Bighit anniversary."He said making me feel guilty because it's my uncle's company and I don't even know that he is showing some fireworks display when it's companies anniversary.Honestly,I don't even know that they are celebrating their anniversary.Such a stupid niece.Tch.

"Hey let's go!"He said and grabbed my hands and he interwined with his.His soft palm is with mine and it's really make me safe and secure when I touch it.I looked down at our hands and my cheeks burn up when I saw how tight he hold it,like his life depend on it.

"We are here."He said snapping my thoughts.

"Ah....yes."I said as I smiled at him like a lunatic.

"That's smile always wear it.It really suits and I like it"He said  while pinching my cheeks.

I hit his hand lightly."Yah! It's hurt."I said as I make an annoyed face and he just chuckled.

Oh shett!Mah heart!


We waited here like forever but the fireworks display is so tedious.It's getting cold and I only wear a simple white T-shirt and maong shorts.I didn't wear any comfortable clothes that fits to the occasion right now because I'm just going to buy some sanitary pads when I bumped to Jungkook and ask me to go out.
Afterwards Jungkook can't stop glancing at me,so I wipe face incase there's a dirt on it.

He removed his coat and put it to me.His acts make me surprised.I looked at him and he can't even looked at me straight just glancing at me once making him look like he do something bad that he can't admit it because her mother holds a hanger and ready to spank him anytime.

Minute pass and my adventurous eyes spotted a cute couple hugging each other.

"Jungkook."I called and he hummed.

"They such a cute couple."I said as I point the couple.I looked at Jungkook and he just kept staring at the couple.I can see in his eyes the displeasure while staring at the couple.Afterwards his eyes become teary but he just holding it back to show that he strong enough to hold back his emotion.

I must not showed him what I saw.I can really sense that there's something happened between him and his girlfriend that he can relate to the couple there.


"Minji,can I hugged you?"I said and surprised when his tears rolled on his cheek.I nodded as he pulled me making me bumped to his chest and dig his face on my neck.

I hugged back and rub his back in a circle.
I don't care at the weird stare that people send us.I just want to comfort him until he is okay.

"Don't fight back your tears.You must know that people not cry because they are weak.It's because they have been strong for too long."I said and I feel some droplets of tears on my neck.


We didn't watch the fireworks display anymore because Jungkook ask me to leave the park.Now,we are walking to a quiet street because people must be in the park waiting for the fireworks display.

"Minji...."He called and I just hummed as a response.

"Thank you."He said as he hold my hand even tighter.

"It's nothing.I might be the person that showed you my bad attitude in our first meeting but remember this you can cry to me and you can't hear any judgement coming from me."I said while smiling and he face me.

"I promise....."I added as he and leaned closer to me to give me a peck on my forehead and he pulled me to a tight hug.Then the fireworks display is already on the sky.

What a romantic scene that happening right now between me and Jungkook.You really don't know how much I want to tell you that I'm Hyerin..But I don't want to make a decision that makes me regret soon.




~cute savage~

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