43.We Met Again

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Minji's POV

"JUNGKOOK?!"I said which made all them look at me.


"You know him?"My mother asked that's made me look at her,searching for some excuse that I might say.

"Ah...He-he's a mem-member of a Korean boy band and the-they popular so I really know him....Hahahah..."I chuckled awkwardly and feel a relief when their confuse face turned into a bright one.


"Well good thing that your fan of him,so you must know him well."Her mother said and giggled,so I just smile then I sip on my ice tea,because of nervousness.

Well,not really.

"So it's my son's turn to know you.Glad that me and your mother reserved you a room in this hotel,so that you'll get a closure."Her words made me choke and I started coughing,then I feel a hand gently rubbing my back.My cough flinch when I see Jungkook rubbing my back,my cheeks started to burn up.

"You two will stay here nightlong.Then the next day you're going to your own house."She added which make looked at them in disbelief,my mother didn't even tell me.I'm not ready at all.

I can't do anything but to agree since I also want to know him but when I found that it's Jungkook.I rather choose to sleep on the road.

They started chatted while both of us just stayed quiet,trying to manage myself not to look to him.I can feel the heat between us,whenever our shoulder bumped to each other.

I stand up,"I'm just going to answer some phone call."I said excusing myself to them,they just nodded and I quickly went outside and I finally breathe properly.

Never knew that I met him,again.I will just accept the reality that it's just an arrange marriage and no combination of love,since he's happy with Hanuel.

I just continue walking and I don't know where my foot will take me.Then the next thing will really surprise me when......

Jungkook's POV

Watching her back disappearing in my sight,bring me to the day when she leave.I wake up in the morning with a tears is still on my cheeks.I wake up in the morning and wanting to be in her arms,but sadly I won't feel it anymore.I'm telling myself that I'm not hurt,but seems like my heart is always broken.I always tell myself that I'm not sad,but my tears is always coming out.I'm telling myself that I'm strong but I don't know why I'm getting weaker.My countless days without her is like a hell.Now that you're here again,I want you to be back in my arms like in our old days.

I quickly stand up from seat and followed her outside,she is keep on walking with her head is down.I can't control myself,I quickly walked towards herI hold her wrist and spun her around bumped her in my chest.Her long straight is only on her armpits,the way he dressed up is different which is too reaveling ,her make-up that before light turned into a dim one.Every piece of her image change.

She looked at me in disbelief and resisting to slipped on my arm,but she failed.I pinned her on the wall with her between my two arms.Before she could say any of words,I crashed my lips on her lips,and sadly she didn't kiss me back.I broke the kiss with a teary eyes and she wiped her lips which made my heart tear up into two pieces.I kissed her again but she still didn't kiss me back, then my hands travel on her back,unhooking her bra,but she push me away.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM!"She yelled and walked away from me.


Minji's POV

Jungkook pinned me on the wall with me between his two arms.Before I could say something,he quickly planted a kiss on my lips,which made me stood in frozen and can't even move.He broke the kissed with a teary eyes and wiped my lips,he then kissed me again,I just let him to kiss me and didn't resist because he looks so painful when I wiped my lips.Afterwards his hands travel on my back,unhooking my bra.

I push him away,"WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM?!"I yelled and walked away going back where my mom.

"What happened to your lipstick?"She asked making me shake in nervousness.

"Ahhh...I just wash my face maybe it's just messed up..Hahahaha."I chuckled awkwardly and they just nodded making me feel a relief.I did a lot of lie this day.Forgive me,Jesus.


It's already night,I'm just staring at the ceiling and trying my best to not make any sound that can grabbed his attention.We are on the same room and breathing the same air,but we didn't even talk.I'm still embarrassed to what happened lately,kissing me like he is not in a relationship with Hanuel.

I stand on my bed and decided to walk outside since the awkward atmosphere is killing me.I'm going to twist the doorknob when Jungkook pulled my wrist and pinned on the with our body is closed and his hot breathe,send chills on my spine.He stare at me for a while,which made me stood in frozen and just staring deeply at his eyes.Then he start leaning,I closed my eyes and in a split of seconds I feel another set lips of mine.He started kissing me so hot,I response to his kiss and he pulled my neck to deepened the kiss.We tilted to opposite direction as he started pulling me to the bed.He push me on the bed that makes me lie down with him on my top.He started kissing my neck and sucking it then turned out to a hickeys.

Minji,this all wrong.You know he is not yours anymore,he is belong to someone.

"No this is wrong."I said as I push him away from me and stand up in the bed.

"What the hell I'm doing?!"I said as I messed my hair and run outside the room.




~cute savage~

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