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Minji's POV

Aghh!The sun light scattered on my room and it's irritated me.

"Please close the window."I order while my eyes is closed.But no one obey it.I opened my eyes and I saw Jungkook on the edge of my bed,I mean his bed.I remember that he took me in his house because he don't want me to go home because I'm sick.

"Go and take a bath."He ordered and smile at me.

I stand on the bed as I walk towards the door and I realize."Ah Ju-Jungook I don't have my clothes here."I said awkwardly.

"It's already on the guest room."

He really change,I wonder why?


Jungkook drove the car because he don't want me to drive it.Aish, he's really making feel like his girlfriend.


I opened the door of the driver seat and I'm going to enter it when Jungkook suddenly talk.

"Get out I'm going to drive it."He said and walked towards me.

"No,I'm going to drive it.It is my job."I said and attempting to enter the car when he grabbed my wrist and made me face him.

"You're going to follow me or I'll kiss you?"He said seductively as he smirk.His hot breath made a shivers run down on my spine.

I gulped and I enter the back seat.Jungkook smirk and enter the driver seat.

End of the flashback.

"We are here!"Jungkook said snapping my thoughts.


"Don't move!"I said while putting a make up on Jungkook's face,but he is moving like a kid which make my head ache again.

Oh my god!I feel dizzy,I want to go home rest until this day end,but my credit card.

I walk towards the cabinet to choose what is Jungkook's outfit for their dance practice today.Until I feel everything is spinning,I lost my balance and I thought I'm going to kiss the floor but a pair of arm is tightly wrapped around my waist.

"Minji!Minji!"Jungkook yelled while hitting my cheeks gently.Then the door suddenly open and the rest of bangtan entered the room.They murmured some words but I can't understand and everything went black........


I opened my eyes and I found myself in a hospital bed.I move my hand then I feel someone holding it tightly like his life depend on it.

A smile suddenly appear on my lips when I saw Jungkook holding it while sleeping.
He woke up and I quickly removed my smile he might think that I have a mental disorder when he see smiling like a lunatic.

"Oh! You're awake."He said still holding my hand.

"What is the time right now?"I asked weakly as he looked at his phone.

"7:45 pm."He said relaxed and my eyes went bigger.

"Really?!Let's go at big-!"I said while trying to stand up but he stand up and hold the both side of my shoulders.

"You can't.Look at yourself you looks terrible.You're making me feel guilty whenever I saw like that.You should rest."He said with his eyes is looking directly on my eyes.

"But my credit card."I mumbled.

"Aish... Stop thinking at your credit card.Your health is more important.Your credit card won't disappear,I promise."He said.


It's now Thursday but I still don't review my notes and that's make me feel uncomfortable here at hospital because the final exam is on Monday.

No review and no uniform.


Then the door knob twisted hoping that Jungkook will comeback after he left me because of his dance practice reschedule today.

The door open widely revealing my uncle.I don't why but I feel a disappointment when I saw my uncle.

"How are you?"He asked and gently kiss my head.

"I'm fine uncle."I said and smiled.

"Tomorrow you won't going to bighit because you need to review since your final exams is on Monday."He said  preparing some foods and I just hum in response.

Jungkook's POV

I'm here at hallway making my way to elevator when I saw Minzy,a girl trainee here at bighit and she's also the same university as Minji,wiping a stain on her uniform.

"Hi Minzy!"I said as I wave my hand.

"Oh!Hi oppa!"He said and bowed at me.

"What happend to your uniform?"I asked.

"Some students was throwing some tomato on the nerd lately and it's accidentally hits me.And it's bothering because the test is on Monday."She answered while keep on wiping her uniform.

It makes me think about Minji's uniform.

"Why is your uniform important?"I asked.

"Yes it's like a water in a desert.It is expensive plus if you don't have a uniform you can't enter the university and you can't take the final exam on Monday."She said.


I shove my phone in my pocket after some phone calls and made my way to the room number where is Minji.When a man,to be exact Pd-nim appeared on my sight.

I bowed at him politely.Then he spoke."Where are you going?"He asked.

"Uhhh.I'm just going to visit a friend."I said kindly.

"Ahh.Okay me too I'm done visiting my niece here."He said.

"I hope that your niece will get better soon."I said as I smiled.

"I hope for your friend too."He said as he tapped my shoulder and walked away.

I continue walking til I averted to Minji's room.
I opened the door and Minji's sweet smile welcome me.

"Looks likes someone visited you."I said looking at the pieces of the barbeque stick.

"Ahhh.It's just my uncle."She answered.

Hyerin is Pd-nim's niece,I remembered it because my friends back to the dance school said that the niece of the owner of the dance school had crush on me, the owner of the dance school is Pd-nim,and his niece is Hyerin.And lately Pd-nim said that he visited his niece here and Minji also said that her uncle visited her.Is Pd-nim's niece is Minji?And the uncle that Minji's pointing out is Pd-nim?

"Jungkook."She called snapping my thoughts and she smiled.

Or maybe Hyerin and Minji is only one?


The story is heating up!
Yeah!So just enjoy!❤️


Happy birthday Daesung!


~cute savage~

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