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Minji's POV

"I will meet my girlfriend."He said and I feel my tear up into two pieces.

"O-okay."I said and I started driving.

Minji! What's make you surprised?It's been seven years do you still wonder if he loves someone?He don't even remember you!Tch.

"We are here."I said and he went out of  the car.He knocked on the window and I rolled it down."You wait here okay I'm just going to meet her."He said pointing at me.

"Okay."I said annoyed.

Time skip.

"My god!We arrived here 5:30 and it's 7:30.Are they not sick looking to each others face?"I said annoyed.Why are you like that Minji?

I went out of the car and walked until I averted at bench near the Love cafe.I sit and I saw Jungkook and a girl.The wall of the cafe is glass so I can see them clearly.He really look happy to be with that girl.

I choose not to look at them and I just lean on the bench and I feel sleepy.

I yawned and stretch my arms in the air.I opened my eyes and it's already morning!I looked at my wrist watch and the fuck! It's already 7:46 am and there's a lot of people walking here.They all looking and laughing whenever they walk past by me.I wiped my face in case there's a harden saliva.

"Oh! You're so funny,girl!"The girl said and past by me.

Wth!What are they talking about?

I went to the parking lot and the car is still there that means he commute or ride with his girlfriend.Aghhh!Whatever!I looked at the side mirror to see my own reflection.I'm surprised when I saw a drawing of a dick on my forehead.My precious forehead!I only know one who draw on it.


Jungkook's POV

I can't resist laughing whenever I imagine how would she react when she find out the drawing on her forehead.


I went out of the cafe and I made my way to the parking lot.But I only saw the car and Minji is not there.I walked to look for her til I averted to bench where she is sleeping with her mouth open.

I can't resist anymore.I took out the pen on my pocket that I got lately at the headquarters and I draw a dick on her forehead.After that I walked away from her and call my driver.

End of the Flashback.

The door abruptly open and all of us surprised.Then Minji entered with an angry face.

Now she is in my front."You Jungkook how dare you to draw a dick on my forehead?!"She yelled and my co-members laugh.

"How could you say that I'm the one who draw on your forehead?"I asked and that's make her more pissed.

"I'm not stupid.You left this."She said showing me the pen.Opss"You're just going to do a stupidity that you don't want to admit,but you don't know you're a stupid for leaving a evidence that people can blame you.Don't try me Jungkook."She said as she throw  the pen on my chest and she slammed the door.

"Jungkook is it true?"V hyung asked can't resist his laughter and I just smirk.

Minji's POV

I'm telling you Jungkook, don't try me!I mentally said let a devil laugh.I went to my uncle's office and print some pictures of Jungkook sleeping at the car while his mouth is wide open.
200 copies is enough to paste on the surrounding of Bighit.

"Aghh.Finally!"I said after I paste the last picture on their dance room.I went out of the the room and at that time they arrived.

Jungkook look at me and I just smiled like a kid.Jungkook just send me wierd look and they entered the room and I rolled my eyes.

"3....2....1"I count.

"Hahahahahahahaha!"They burst out of laughter as I run away.

"I told you,Jungkook."


I'm now walking here at the bighit building and until now the copy of pictures of him is still on the wall.

"Woah!I really feel the victory!"I said and raises my hands in the air.

"Oh!Jungkook you're really funny."One of the staff said at my back but I didn't look at it.


"Minji!"He called.I turned around and smile."Yes,Jungkook?"I asked with a smile.

He walked approaching.He grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall.Now I'm between his two arms  and our face is only few inches away from each other.

Why I can't move?

"Remember this all girls even how they are devil, softened on me at the end."He said and before he leave,he smirk.


That time feel very weak.I don't even move a fingers.

"Are you Jungkook's PA?"A teen ager girl asked at my back.

"Why?"I asked acting okay she might saw the scene between me and Jungkook.

"I just want to say sorry because to what my brother did to you.Because he's the one who draw a uhmm a-"I cut her off.

"No! Don't say it anymore.That's not your problem."I said making her more comfortable in front of me.

"Just endure my brother because he is really childish."She said."Hahaha.Okay?"I answered unsure."And you must know something."She said and I raised my one brow.

"He still sleeps with his teddy bear."




~cute savage~

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