42.Future Husband

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Minji's POV

It's been 2 weeks but I'm still adjusting to myself.Applying a lot beauty powder before going to sleep,applying lotion after taking a bath,and it's also takes me a hour to choose a clothes that I might wear just going to the city.

Everything change for a reason.

Suddenly my phone on the table buzz,and the corner of my lips curve when I saw the callers ID, it's my uncle, it's been a month since he didn't call me.I quickly answered the phone call and place it on my ears.

Uncle:How are you?
Me:I'm fine.
Uncle:well that's good.By the way can you do me a favor?
Me:Sure~what is it?
Uncle:Can you go to Mrs.Kim's house, Hanuel's mom,to tell her that her daughter's condition is getting worse.
Good to hear that.
Me:Oh!yes off course.
Uncle:Thank you.

Hung up.

Good to you,snake.

Meanwhile,I heard someone knocking on the door downstairs.I quickly stand up and made my way to the door.I opened the door to my surprise Mrs.Kim is here.

"Oh Mrs.Kim!Come in."I said as widely open the door for her to enter my house.She took a sit on the couch and I did the same,but opposite to her.

"I'm must going to your  house,to tell you that Hanuel's condition is getting worst."I said and I'm surprised when her mother just gave me a poker face.

"*sighed*Well,I don't need to worry about her,because her fractured arm is fake."She state and my mouth suddenly open and my eyes are went bigger,to what I just heard.

"Minji...I'm here to tell you that the kidnapped thing is a plan of Hanuel just to hurt you."She said and the guiltiness can sense on her eyes.

"Why?!I didn't do anything bad towards her."I said still confused and I can't picture what she just saying.

"She want to take revenge, because your boyfriend is her ex."She said making the word 'boyfriend'remain on my mind

"I can't control her anymore, she turned into a monster.So I'm here to tell you,take care."She said and stand up then made her way outside.

Jungkook and I is not dating anymore,what makes her to revenge on me?

2 years later..

For the past two years, BTS gain their popularity,they also win a lot of awards and when you mention K-POP the first thing enter my mind is BTS.Almost all the people here know the Korean boy band BTS,but their  happiness ended when their contract ended and become ordinary people.Other become soloist and  the other leave the industry.

"MINJI!"The voice of my mom wakes me for day dreaming.I quickly walked outside my room with a purse on my hand.I look elegant with those shining accessories on my wrist and on my neck,I really dressed up nicely today since finally I'm going to meet my future husband,I didn't meet him yet since his father said that he is busy.I only meet his father and the rest of his family is still mystery for me.

"You look beautiful."My mom said as she gently elbowed me on my stomach.

"Off course I will going to meet my future husband,I really want to formally dressed up."I replied as we both entered the car.


The car stopped in front of a huge hotel.The thumps of my heart are audible,which I last feel when I'm with Jungkook.

Stop thinking about him!

I go down on the car and we started walking to the elevator to take me to the floor  where we are going to meet them.I can't stop thinking about him since he is a Korean.


The elevator makes my heart beats faster,because in just only few steps and I will meet my future husband.

We both stopped in front of the door and I let a deep sighed calm me.As soon my mom opened the door and I feel my heart is going to popped out anytime.

As we entered the room a familiar woman approach us."She's so beautiful."She said and I just kindly smiled.

She's familiar,I feel that I saw her before.Lemme think of it,no way!She looks like the woman on Jungkook's birthday party,which is Jungkook's mom!But what is she doing here? Don't over think,Jungkook introduce you in her mom on his birthday party.She must be recognized you,right?but she didn't.

"Ah where is your son?"My mom asked and that's bring me to reality."He's there just answering some phone calls."She said pointing the guy on the window which is back facing us.So I can't see his face.My mom pulled me and let me sit on chair opposite to her.

"MomI! want to sit beside you."I whispered to shout and she just chuckled."You must be sit beside your future husband."I rolled my eyes in annoyance and face my phone while waiting for him to come.

"Ah...sit beside her."Her mom tell him while I still facing my phone and searching for some top trends on fashion.

"No cellphone right now."It's my mom's voice so I quickly shoved my phone on my purse.I look at my side and I almost fall on the chair.I can't move and I can't breathe because I think my heart expand take all the space in my chest so.He have also the same reaction as mine.

Then I parted my lips.





~cute savage~

Well Happy Birthday Yeji!❤️

I just recently bought some ITZY'S and TxT merch.And they killing me!!They are so cute!!!!

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