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Minji's POV

Standing in front our door still having a double thoughts of entering our house or I'm just going to sleep in my mother's house.

I hate myself!For being selfish!I didn't even think how painful Jungkook is when I left then I'm the one who act like more pained?Jungkook suffer a lot pain because of me,then he just smile like nothing happened.

My eyes become teary and I just bite my lower lip the to fight back the tears,but they still rolled on my cheeks.I wiped them away and shrugged all the thoughts then I entered the house.

For my surprise,he is not in the living room.He must be watching but he didn't.

"Maybe he's in his room."I mumbled to myself as I looked at the fridge.

"he have an ulcer,and the worst he just enduring it all the time."

Jimin's word keep running on my mind.I can't believe I'll do this,but I'm goin to do it.I put my sling bad on the table and tied the apron.I tie my hair in a messy bun and quickly go to the kitchen to cook chicken soup and omelette.
Thanks to my mom who trained me.

Hours past when I finish all the dishes,I place them beautifully in the table and waiting for him to come down.

Afterwards,I heard some footstep from the stairs,then Jungkook showed up wearing a coat and telling me that he is going somewhere.He just walked past by the kitchen and didn't even notice me since he is facing his phone.

"Ughh...Whe-where are you go-going?"I asked nervously as he looked at me surprise.Maybe he is surprise since I'm the first who talk to him since all the time he is the first to talk when we need to talk.

"I'm...just...going to....my friends."He said still in the shocked mode.

"Aniya~you come here and eat first.."I said as I continued fixing the plates.In the corner of my eyes I saw him hesitating to approach me,he look like scared at me.

Am I that scary person?

I shrugged away the thoughts as we both sit in the chair facing each other.It's the first time we eat together facing each other,after a long time and it feels it is our first dinner together.I can't even look at him,just facing my plate,while he is just staring at me, watching me eating.

My hair still tied in a messy bun and my face is also messy.Maybe that's bothering him.I realize that the apron still tied on me.

I look at him,"You're not eating why?"I asked since his plate is still empty."Why did you cook at all?"He returned me the question,which make me speechless and searching for an excuse."I just want you to eat."I said and continue eating.

"When did you start caring on me?"His question is hard one."Ah..Ah...I just....want you....to stay healthy.... That's all."I said and my eyes can't look at him.

"Why do want me stay with you forever so you care on my health?"He teasingly asked which make look at him,since it's true.

"Stop teasing me.." I said as pushed my chair backward leave him alone.

I'm worrying about his condition,but he just keep on playing like nothing happened.He is physically fit outside but inside he is totally ruined,because of me.My eyes soon gave up and tears in it rolled on cheeks,but I quickly wipe it away Jungkook might see it.

Afterwards,he grabbed my wrist and pinned me on the refrigerator with his hands is on my both shoulders.He looked deeply in my eyes,I want to do the same but I feel my tears is coming out from eyes,so I hang my head lower.

"Wha-what happened?"He started to become worry,I can sense it on his voice.He lift my chin to see me crying,his face become worried while looking at me.

"Why are you crying?"He asked and I think it's my time for me to tell him my true feelings.

"Ju...Jungkook-ah...I'm sorry if you...need to suffer a lot of pain...when I leave...because I think you'll be happy if I leave since Hanuel is with you again...But I'm stupid for thinking that you'll be fine...I act like I suffered the most pain.....But it's not me..... It's you...."I mumbled in my last two words together with a unplanned tears escaped in my eyes.

Jungkook just stare at me and diligently listening in every words,he parted my lips."It's nothing to me just don't leave me,again."He response making my heart flattered.

"I won't leave you,because I don't want anyone of us suffer again a pain."I said and he quickly pulled me to his embrace.I wrapped my arms on his body.I miss his touch,his scent.I miss everything.

"I love you Minji...."He said between the hugged.We broke the hugged and now we are facing each other,I parted my lips.

"I love you too,Jungkook."I said and the corner of my lips curved.He started coming close to my face,I closed my eyes and a few seconds I feel another set of lips on mine,I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled the back of my neck to deepened the kiss.The kiss lingered for a seconds which felt like a minute.We pulled out and we both chase our breathe,and then he passionately kiss me again.


Keep on reading there's something you won't expect to happen on the next chapter.


~cute savage~

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