16.Break up

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Jungkook's POV

Staring at the blank space and listening to the music are the only things that I did today,because we don't have a practice.

I must be happy today for not having a practice but there's something that wants me to go to Bighit and do my usual my routine as an idol.


The name entered my mind,but why?Of all people in Bighit why Minji?She's been talking to me like simple 'hi hello' not like before she always having a fight with me in everything.I don't know why but her sudden avoidance derives me to miss the old Minji.


Bzzzzzzz.My phone vibrated that makes me tickle a bit.

Babe:Jungkook let's meet up at the park.
           7:00 pm be there.

Oh!I forget to erase our call sign.I cleared it and change it to her real name.How come she wants to talk to me if she will leave me?She don't even know how painful she will give to me if ever she leaves,but think I'm that easy.


Aish!I'm so tired but I still need to meet my girlfriend even I'm tired after the photoshoot.

"Oh!Babe!"She said gently kiss my cheeks.Her kiss makes my tiredness fade.

"So what are you going to tell me?"I asked trying to be energetic.

"Uhmmmm.How could I say this?"She mumbled on her last words and scratch her head.

"Uhmmm.Babe I ne-"She was cut off because a phone call.

"Uhmm.I'm going to answer the phone call."She said showing me the callers ID and it's her brother.

"Okay."I said as I send her a fake smile then she quickly push her chair backward and made her way out of the cafe.

Minutes past but she didn't come back yet,I wonder why?I can't wait.I stand up and followed her outside.

She's there in the bench only one tree is between us.I tried my best to hide myself and listen to her words.

"Oppa,I think I can't do it."

"How can you say that it's easy if you're not the one who is in my situation."She said irritated.

"Of course I will go home at America and yes I will leave Jungkook,but please give me a time."

I feel like my heart shattered into pieces.

"Yes,I will tell him,right now."She said and shove her phone on her pocket.

"So you will leave me."I said with a shaky voice while approaching her.

"Uhmmm.I wi-"I cut him off.

"Just get to the point."I yelled that make him flinch.

"Yes!But don't worry I'll be back soon."She said as she hiccupped my face but I brush her hands away.

"I'm that easy to you?"I said very weak and many tears rolled on my cheeks.

"No.... that's..... not....what....I me..... mean."She said while sobbing.

"So  you will still leave me?"I asked and she made her heads down.

"tell me."I said lightly yelling and she just nodded.

My heart totally broke into pieces.She made me feel like a toy that unwanted.I'm that easy that she will leave me?I gave her all she wants but she's still going to leave me.You made me feel unwanted and easy.

End of the flashback.

Should I go or not?

Now you gave me again a problem.I'm on the process of moving on but you're here again.

I made my decision.I will because maybe on the future I will regret for not doing it.


I went our of the car and I spotted her in the bench.She waved at me with a weak smile on her face.

I stand in front of her and looking away."Jungkook."She said as she burst in tears then she hugged me.

She broke the hug and face me with a messy face."Jungkook.I love you.You love me right?"She asked.

"I love you since you didn't made your decision to leave me."I said and trying my best not have an eye contact with her, because I don't want to cry.

"Jungkook leaving you is not mean that I don't love you.I will leave but we still can contact each other because of internet.Our long distance will measure how much we love each other.Please Jungkook don't be like that."She mumbled on her last sentence.

"But your presence is more important to me.Internet is not enough for me.You can tell me that I'm selfish that's because I love you.But you made feel easy and unwanted because you will leave me.If you love me then don't leave."I said and in my last sentence unplanned tears fell.

"Okay."She said wipe her tears away."Let's make it official let's break up so that no one of us will feel so painful.I do this because I love you."She said and grabbed her bag on the bench.

"Hope my decision make us not feel any pain in the future."She said as she smile then tears fell on her cheeks and she leaves.

I sit on the bench and finally the tears that I'm holding back lately rolled down on my cheeks.

I feel so unwanted right now.The person I love leave and break up with me because of my selfishness, that's my way to show how much I love someone but I think she didn't get my point or even I'm not selfish she will still leave me because maybe she didn't feel how much I love her.




~cute savage~

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