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3rd Person's POV

"I LOVE YOU JUNGKOOK."Minji said as he looked and down and closed her eyes.

Jungkook look at Minji with his eyes are widened.Jungkook's face is asking if he heard it right or it's just his hallucinations.

"That's all I want to tell you."Minji said after she lift her head to face Jungkook.

"Sorry for not telling you earlier."Minji said still searching for word that he might throw to the boy who is just stood in frozen.

*I'm not dreaming*Jungkook's own word chanted in his inner thoughts.

"I'm just afraid that you just love me after you found out that I'm Lee Hyerin."Minji's head hang lower again.

Jungkook just carefully listening to her words.

"I know that I will regret this in future if I didn't tell you my feelings.I know that your feelings might change.I re-"Next thing that Minji realize is he is in Jungkook's chest.Hugging her so tight like his favorite toy.

"How bad can you be?"Jungkook said after he broke the hug but still holding Minji's both hands.

"How dare you to messed up my feelings?"Jungkook said with a mix emotion.

"Even how many times I erase my feelings for you,it just grow even more."Jungkook said and this time Minji is the one who become speechless.

"Now I tell you my feelings.I love you too Minji."Jungkook said and Minji is going to melt if Jungkook is not holding her.

"I will ask you this.Minji,will you be my girlfriend?"Jungkook asked waiting for a positive answer.Minji stood straight and look at Jungkook's eyes deeply.

"No..."Jungkook's shoulders went down because he expect to much.

"Until you didn't tell me why you just walked away when I'm with Jinwoo."Minji said as she crossed her elbows and looked away.

"Pabo,do you know how much I cried when you rejected me?"

*So that's why she is with those girls?*Minji felt a sudden jealousy when she remembered the scene last night.

"I'm sorry I should help you by myself instead of sending twice and bts to look after you."He said.

*He did it?He still care for me?

"So,are we okay now?"Jungkook asked and Minji slowly looked at Jungkook with a tint of red on his cheek.

"So,Park Minji will you be this handsome Jeon Jungkook's girlfriend?"Jungkook asked and a happiness can sense on his face.

Jungkook patiently waiting for her respond until Minji nodded as she hold her both cheeks,which is burning.

"What's that?"Jungkook playfully asked.

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend!"Minji yelled as Jungkook pulled her to his chest.Jungkook hugged her tight and Minji did too.

He broke the hugged and they both face each other.Jungkook put his both hands on Minji's cheeks and leaned closer to her face.In a split of seconds Jungkook crashed his lips to Minji.Minji feel a butterflies on her stomach.She wrapped her arms on Jungkook's neck and Jungkook pulled Minji's waist closer to him to deepened the kiss.

Seconds past which felt like a minute,they pulled each other to hot kissed then face each other.

"I love you,Minji...."

"I love you too..."


Minji's POV

I'm here at the bathroom looking at my own reflection on the mirror.Then,my eyes travel to my lips.

I touched it and the scene yesterday flashed.

I remembered,I am now Jungkook's girlfriend.

I removed the towel which wrapped around on my hair and hang it on clothesline.

I went out the door knob and I take a flinch when someone is sitting on edge of my bed.

"Oh!You startled me!"I said while holding my chest.

"Good morning,babe."Jungkook emphasized the word 'babe'.

"Good morning Kookie!"I said and where did I got the the word 'Kookie'.

I made my way at the mirror and comb my hair and dried it.Jungkook just there sitting on the edge of my bed,watching me.

"Let's go..."I said as I stand on his front then he grabbed my hand and we both lied on my bed,with me on his chest hugging me so tight.

"You said that we are going out early."I said and I can barely breathe on his chest.

"Later...I want to spend a lot of time with my girlfriend."He said and I just stayed quiet, just listening to his heart beat.

"Let's sleep."

"But I don't want to."I said and wrapped my arm on his waist.

"Then let's just cuddle."He said and added a smirk.

"Minji...I'm going!"My uncle said and I pushed Jungkook to get out on my bed.

"Ah..Ye-yes."I said and my uncle just looked at me wierdly.

He closed the door and I heard his footstep fading.

Jungkook stand up with a pout.I stand up on the bed and walked towards him.

"I'm sorry..."I said but he just pout harder.

It's so cute.

"Hmmmm.."I hummed as I tiptoed so I can reach his height then I gave him a peck on his lips.

"I'm sorry.."And he just stood in frozen.




~cute savage~

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