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Minji's POV

I slammed the door and made my way to the parking lot.Is Jungkook is his niece that he will biased with him?

I opened the door and I saw Jungkook facing his phone.I sit on the driver seat and finally he notice me.

"Your the one who drive it?"He asked.Isn't obvious? Are you blind or what?

"What do you think?"I asked in a pissed tone and looked at him.

"I won't let that.You might put my life in danger."Woah!

"Tsk."I just smirk and drive it faster going out of the building.I looked at mirror above and I saw him uncomfortable so he ended facing his phone.

We are here now in the road the car infront of us is very slow.I speed up and overtake to the car in front of us.While doing it I saw Jungkook's phone drop below.

"Oh shit!"He cursed and finally we arrived at the headquarter.I went outside the car and continue to walk.

"Minji!"He called and I looked at him with a 'what'looked.

"Yes Jungkook?"I said curving the corner of my lips to devilish smile.

"Change mye phone."He said showing me his crack phone.

"Why should I?I'm not the stupid one who drop it."I said and turned around.He hold my wrist and pulled it to face him.

"You know my patience for you is nearly to end.If you're not a girl,you must yelping in pain anytime."He said and his sharp gaze is killing me.

I smirk and yanked my hands."Why don't you try?"I said and walked away from him.

I enter the elevator and it was nearly to close and I saw Jungkook running towards it but he failed to enter the elevator.

Tsk,good to you.

The elevator open and I walked towards the CEO's office.I open the door and I saw a handsome guy.


"Oh! you're Minji right?"He asked with his angelic voice make me think that I'm in heaven.

"Oh ye-yes."I stutter in nervousness.

"By the way.I'm Park Jimin one of the member of Bangtan."He said and we shake hands.I looked at our hands and I feel some butterflies on my stomach,then that stupid Jeon Jungkook pulled me.

"Let's start looking for the files that Pd nim looking for."He said in a serious tone.I looked at it and it was Jungkook.

He unloosed my hand and start to look for some files.I stare at my hands and put it on my heart.


No this heart beats crazy because Jimin hold it not Jungkook.Not him.I insist to myself.

I don't want to admit it,but Jungkook still making my heart beats crazy.But now I know,you existed in my past that's why I can't stop looking back because you were there with our sweet memories.So even I don't want to remember all the memories in my past with you, it's still flashing on my head because of your presence.

Jungkook's POV

He left me at the parking lot and headed to the  building.She must be wait for me right? Since she is my PA.

I enter the building and I saw her on the elevator and it was nearly to close so even I run it's still useless.I go to another elevator and I can't help myself to think about her.

I really don't know but  the way my heart's beats when I saw Minji lately is the same when I saw Hyerin.


A few days later I didn't gave any attention  to Hyerin because to what I've seen in the rooftop.But I really miss her and it was the last day so I really want to talk to her.

"Sohee where is Hyerin"I asked and there smiles fade.

"I'm sorry Jungkook but he don't want to see you anymore.So please leave her because she is happy with Jinyoung."She answer and I feel that my heart shattered into a lot of pieces.

Jinyoung.My friend?

After that I went to backyard because I saw her there.She confessed at me but at the same she leaves me without telling her my true feelings and without any goodbye.

End of the flashback.

It is the most painful feelings,the person you love didn't loves you instead your friend.

The elevator opened and I walked out.I headed to the CEO'S office and I saw that Minji and Jimin hyung talking  and they shake hand,then I felt a sudden spark of jealousy for I don't know reason.My legs quickly cooperate with my mind and start walking towards them.I pulled her hand away from Jimin hyung.

"Let's start looking for the files that Pd nim looking for."I said in a serious tone.I let go her hands and I start looking for some files.At the corner of my eyes I saw her staring at it awhile ago she put it in her heart.

She's wierd,huh.She must be fight with me when I hold his hand.

After looking for some files I saw a sticky notes I get a pen and write 'ugly'on it.
I pulled the sticky notes and put the pen on my pocket.I put the sticky note  on Minji's forehead then she removed it and looked at it.

She smirk."I think it's suits to you.Not only in physical appearance but also in manners."She said and put it on my chest as she walked out of the room.

"Woah,she's the only girl who threat you like that."Jimin hyung said as he smirk.

I smirk."Let's see."

Minji's POV

I walked out of the room and made my way to the cubicle.I splashed my face with a water to freshen my face.

How can I even avoid this feeling?I hate the feeling that just only looking at him making my heart beat fast.

I went out of the cubicle and made my way to the parking lot.I opened the door of the car and I saw Jungkook sleeping with his mouth open I can't help but to laugh.I take out my phone and take some pictures.I will use it to block mail him whenever he do something that makes me pissed

"Don't try me Jeon Jungkook."I mumbled and he finally wake up.

"Let's go at Love cafe."He said stretching his hands in the air.

Wait,what are we going there? It's only for couple.

"I will meet my girlfriend."




~cute savage~

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