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Minji's POV

"Ah! it's so cute!"I exclaimed as I hugged the pink bunny.

"Look it's look like you!"I said as I show him the bunny.

"You likely said that I am cute."He said and smile widely.

"*smirk*Do you remember when you buy me a panda stuff toy when it's couples day?"I said pinching the stuff toy so hard.

"*smirk*How I should not remember that.It's our first kiss."He said.I don't know why I feel so embarrassed?

"You like it right? Because you kiss back."He said and my cheeks burn.

"Yah!Stop teasing me!"I said raising my voice a bit.I back face him so that he can't see my cheeks burning up.

"Okay.Okay.Sorry."He said and I feel a pair of arms wrapped around me.I'm surprised because he even do it in public place.I'm not fan of PDA instead.

"Woah!"I exclaimed when I saw the patch of War of Legends in the mall.You can have it if you win the tournament today.

"Jungkook,give me your phone."I said as he took it out on his pocket.I press the button to switch it on, my intention is to get some picture of the patch on his camera but an app caught my attention.

He also have it.War of Legends app,I opened the app and quickly go to account settings.

Mr.Delight?! Don't tell me....

I go to friends conversation and first on list Ms.Victory.

It's me!Mr.Delight is Jungkook!

"Yah!How dare you to call me Ms.Second Place?"I asked pissed as I gave back him the phone.

"What are you talking...."I think he realize it when he see the screen.

"Hahaha."He laugh awkwardly then looked me.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and walked out.He still chasing me while saying my name,but when I ride a taxi,he stopped.


The day past really fast.Jungkook calling me for a several times and texting,but I just ignored it.I'm just going to make him miss me:-)

My my phone vibrated.

I know it's from Jungkook.I opened my phone and as an expectation.

Kookie:I'm here outside.:-(

What the hell he is doing outside in this late night?Nevermind I stand up and went outside my house.

I opened the gate and first thing I saw is Jungkook holding 2 cup of hot chocolate.I closed the gate and we both sit on the side of the gate.

The wind is cold,and men I'm just wearing a simple white T-shirt and a maong short.Thanks,to the hot chocolate which made me feel warm a lil bit.

He stand up and offer his hand on me.

"Let's have a walk."He said and I grabbed his hand and he hold it tightly.


He let go of my hand and our shoulders are just bumping to each other.No one of us start a conversation since we left my house.

The hair on my legs are starting to stand up.It's very cold so I ended rubbing my both hands.

Then Jungkook removed his jacket and tie it on my waist with him on my back.He finish to tie the jacket and he next wrapped his arm on me with his chin is on  my shoulder.

"Minji...I'm sorry."He said and I feel his hot breathe on my neck.

I just stay quiet and then he hold my both shoulders.He turned me to face him but I just looked away because only seeing him on my front,make my heart beats so fast.

He put his hand on my cheeks and then push it to face him.In split of seconds I realize that he leaning to my face then peck my lips.

"Looked Kookie is sorry.."Jungkook is so cute whenever he pout those lips.

I can't help but to chuckled because of his cuteness.

"Oh!You laugh!"He said pointing me,I just nodded saying that apology accepted.

He pulled my hand and embrace me for a couple of minute.

"I have a gift for you."He said before he broke the hug.

He put his hand on his pocket then show me the patch of War of Legends that we saw at mall lately.

"Here.."He said and put it on my hand.

"I won the tournament for you."He said and smile widely.

"Thank you."I mumbled then he hugged me again."I miss you!"He said and fake cry I just chuckled because of his childishness.


We are walking going back to my house,with his arm is wrapped around my shoulders.

"We are here."I said because we are here in the front of our gate and then he put his arm down.

I turned to back face him to opened gate and entered it.

"...Yah..Are you just going to leave like that.?He said as I turned around to face.

"Yes..?"I'm puzzled.. Then he grabbed my hand and once again I bump to his chest.

He broke the hugged and face me,he then smirk before I could blink my eyes,he already planting a kiss on my lips.

He pulled away.."Goodnight."He said and my legs just started to walk inside with a grin my face then a tint of red flashed on my cheeks.




~cute savage~

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