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Minji's POV

2 weeks later...

It's been a week since we've ignoring each other.I don't how could we ignore each other if I'm his PA,wierd.Did my feelings fade or grow?I don't know since I'm always with Jimin when there's a free time.

Now,I'm here at the amusement park,alone.Many rides and many people,couple, being PDA.

"Scary zone."I read the ark above.

"Sounds good."I said and buy a ticket.


I've been here for a minute,but I wonder, there's no white lady or anything appeared on my way?
Then few people leaving the Scary Zone with a disappointed faces.

I keep on walking straight and I could only see a skull,nothing more.Afterwards,the lights off.

"We are sorry our dear customer,but the Scary Zone is having a maintenance problem that makes the whole Zone malfunction.Any customer inside,please don't panic,we will get you out of  the zone."Someone said in the speaker.

"What the hell!"I said and echoed in the zone.

I took out my phone in my pocket.I press the button a several times,but it doesn't switching on.

"Men, not now."I said and attempting to throw my phone but it's precious.

I keep on walking and just touching the wall to find my way out.


Time ticked but I'm still here in Scary Zone.Not far from me,I saw a light of a phone.Then little by little the light scattered on me.

Then,I saw.....


No not now! Just leave me!I'd rather to choose stuck here alone than to be with you.

Then he looked at me,making sure that I am Minji.Next thing I heard from him is a deep sigh.
He sit opposite to me and just staring at me.

There is a flying silence between us,until he broke it.

"Minji, you're Lee Hyerin,right?"He asked me a question that makes me speechless and searching to a words that I might answered.

"What are you talking about?"That's the only words came out from my mouth.

"Just yes or no!"He raised his voice and echoed in the area.

"What if yes I am Lee Hyerin,your childhood friend and your first love?What will you do next?Yes I am Lee Hyerin!Then what's next?"I yelled.I better not talk.

"Why did you hide it from me? Do you know how long I search for you? Do you know how much I miss you? Do you know how much I love you that can make lunatic whenever I think that you're happy with someone?"He said getting emotional.

"I don't want to tell you because I'm not Lee Hyerin, that you met 9 years ago.I'm not  Lee Hyerin that you love!"I yelled and finally the lights open.

"Why are you being like that?!Tell me do you like me?"He asked and my heart froze for a moment then I went back to reality.


"Because you know I really love you.Whoever you are."He said and his voice cracked.

"I'm sorry I don't  feel any special feelings towards you."I said looking away.I do love you but I know that you only love me because you already know that I'm Hyerin.

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