33.You're Mine

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3rd Person's POV

"...Yah!Can someone make a sauce for the fish..!"Jin yelled but seems his friends didn't hear anything and just keep on playing on the sand.He totally lost his hopes and ready to do all the work.

"Me!"Minji said raising her hand on the air.

"Glad!"Jin said and Minji approach him.

"You just need to cut some onions."He said preparing the cutting board and a knife.

"Do you know how to cut onions?"He asked to the girl beside him.

"If you want to do this work fast then teach me."She answered and smiled widely.

"You kids!How can you live without your mom."He said and rolled his eyes in annoyance and place Minji hand on the right position with Jin on his back.Jin holding Minji's hand and still leading Minji how to beautifully cut the onions.

On the hand,Jungkook is at the corner watching the two.Afterwards Jungkook feel a sudden a jealousy that makes his legs walk their.

"Hyung,look for the foods,I take care of her."Jungkook said trying his best not to show how jealous he is.

"Do even know how to cut onions?"Jin asked and continue to teach Minji.

"Hyung."He spat.

"This kid is weird."Jin said and wiped his hands on the apron and Jin realize something why Jungkook is being like that.

"I know,I will also be jealous when a handsome guy like this is around my girlfriend."He said as he chuckled and tapped Jungkook's shoulder then leave.

"Is that true."Minji said as he chuckled.

"Are you jealous?It is just Jin sunbae."How could he be jealous with his co member.Minji mentally said.

Minji can't hold back his laughter,so she keep on laughing on front of jelly Jungkook.

"Still laughing."Jungkook said in a tone of mad.

"Ok,sorry you're just cute when you're jealous."Minji said and let herself laugh again.

"I'm serious."She then stop laughing when she realized he's getting mad.

"Sorry."She said as he pulled Jungkook's waist by her one hand and the another hand is holding a knife.She tiptoed and planted a soft peck on Jungkook's cheeks.



I'm drying my hair in front of the mirror while Minzy,is applying some lotion on her skin.

"I gotta go.."She said twisted the door knob.

"Hey!wait for me!"I said but it's too late.

Whatta great friend!

I put some perfume in case the odor of onion still on me.

I look at my own reflection on the mirror to see how do I look today, because it's my birthday,and no one remember it,even Minzy,but it's okay.

I walked out of the room and walked towards to the BTS room in the same floor as our room.We are going to have a party in BTS room since it was the largest room in the hotel.

I stood in front of their door and knocked.I'm knocking a several times and I'm on the way to bang their door but I wait patiently.

I twisted the door knob realizing that it wasn't locked at all.

Stupid you!

I widely open the door and a dark and a silent atmosphere welcome me.I step backward to see the rooms number maybe I entered the wrong room.

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