19.Couple's Day

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Minji's POV

"Hey where are you?!"Jungkook yelled in the other line.

"Chill bro.I'm on my way."I answered while applying some powder on my face.

"My hyungs already have their date."He said.

"Yes Jungkook,I'm on my way."I answered and end the call.

I put my phone on my sling bag and made my way downstairs.

I promise Jungkook to be his date because today is couple day.He keep on bothering me since last night til now.So how can I say no right now?


I go to the park and I quickly spotted Jungkook.

"Let's go."I said and walk past by him.I looked at my back and I saw Jungkook just staring at me.

"Hey."I said and snapped my fingers on him.

"Oh...."He said and bringing him back to reality.

"*Smirk*Am I that beautiful that you need stare at me?"I teased.

"In you dearest dream."He said and wrapped his arm on me.

"Let's go."

Awwww!I love this man!


"You want that?"He asked because I'm staring at the panda stuff toy.

I nodded and smile cutely at him.

"*smirk*girl are you seducing me?"He asked and I send some death glares to him.

"I'm just kidding."He said and picked the stuff toy.

"I'll buy it if you give me a peck on my cheek."He said with a smirk and pointing his cheeks.

"What do you think I am?A kindergartner?"I asked as I rolled my eyes on annoyance and looked away.

I am surprised when he peck my cheeks.I looked at him and the hell he just smirk.

"Easy like that."He said walked towards the counter.

Oh my god!someone can hold me right I think I'm going to melt.My heart go crazy again!


It's already 6:00 pm but we just do is eat,talk,eat and stare to each other.So this is how my couples day going to end?


We are not couple.

We are just friends.


"You know it's so boring we just sit here and eat and eat."I said as I put my chin on my palm.

He look at his wrist watch."It's 6:00 past let's go."He said and grabbed my hand.


"It's secret."He answered and we went out of the cafe.

The street is full of couple,they are close each other and holding hands while walking.But if we talk about us,me and Jungkook,men there's a lil gap between us.He is looking at his side and definitely looking at the couples.He just smiled and grabbed my hands and interwined with his hands.I look at our hands and to him but he just looking straight.


Right now,I'm getting scared since Jungkook driving his to car to the creepy dark forest.I don't why Jungkook bring me here,where you know some crimes happen.

The car stopped and dark part of forest.He looked at me then smiled.

Thank god he didn't look like a rapist or murderer.

"Just wait for me here."He said and left with a wink.


It's been 30 minutes past but he didn't comeback yet.

"I can't wait."

I opened the door on the car and go out and a cold wind welcome me.They made me a ghost bumps as soon as they touch my skin.

"Gosh it's so creepy I didn't know why that Jungkook bring me here.I swear I will kill Jeon Jungkook if he left me here."I said to the air and in mind I've already murdered Jungkook.

The wind past through my air and that makes me have a ghost bumps.The boughs of the tree swayed and the sound of the bat can be heard.

I'm getting scared right now.

Where the shit of you Jungkook?

One step and the light welcomed me and Jungkook is there sitting with a smile paste on his lips.

That's smile is really melting me.I don't  why but I'm addicted to his smile.I always want to see that until forever.

No I'm wrong,I won't see that forever because there's a thing that will make us separate.I will marry someone soon so definitely we won't be together forever.

"Hey let's go.I've prepared it."He said and pout in his last sentence.

I smiled and he grabbed my hands.He pulled the the chair backward and let me sit.

How gentleman.

I looked at our surrounding and red roses surrounds us.I looked up and the stars are present.There's a slice of cake and a cup coffee on our table.There's a romantic music playing and that makes the situation more romantic.

This is my dream date if I ever have a boyfriend.I wish that guy is Jungkook.I really wish but it will never happen.Because I don't want the person I love suffer to a pain that I might give.

"Hey cheer up!"The voice echoed on my ear.

I smiled to him with a teary eyes."Jungkook."I called and he looked at me with a smile.

"Thank you."I said sincerely.

He chuckled."Your welcome.You're my date and my best friend so I will really make you happy."He said and approach me to give some hug.


"Jungkook."I called so he turned to look at me and a phone welcome him.

He move closer to me so that his face will appear to the camera.We both post in V sign then I clicked it.

I save this crazy memory that my most hated guy date me and buy me a panda with a kiss on my cheeks.

"Minji."He called then a romantic music played.

He put his hand on my cheek and my body frooze.I can't move.I can't control my body anymore.He leaned his face closer to mine and within a split of second I feel another set of lips on mine.Without any reaction my eyes is wide open to see Jungkook's face so close to mine....His eyes are close and he look relaxed compared to me.Without parting our lips,we tilted to opposite direction.The kiss is getting deeper and hotter.I respond to his kiss and I could feel that Jungkook slowly bite my lower lip.

We pulled away and sighed heavily.My brain can't process the whole situation right now.Maybe tomorrow I'm going to doctor because my heart beats really fast.


He kiss me?




~cute savge~

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