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Minji's POV

"You're stupid!"I said while hitting my head a several time and messing my hair.I put my both hands on my face because of embarrassment to myself.

"You know that he is not yours but you can't control yourself and let him kiss you."

"Minji!"He yelled which make me look at him.He is gasping which means he looked where I am.

"Get lost!"I said stand up from my seat and started walking no where.It's only a few steps when he grabbed my wrist.

"Stop chasing me!"I yelled trying to slipped on his grip,but he pulled me make me to hugged him.

".....I miss you."He said and I feel some droplets of tears on my neck.I push him away make him stumbled.

"Say that to Hanuel,Jerk!"I said as he looked at me with a 'what'looked.

"What are you talking about?"He asked which makes me look at him in disbelief.Are you acting or what?

"*smirk*drop the acting,Jungkook.I know that two of you are dating.Do think I'm going to believe in your lame acting skills?"I asked which make him speechless.

"We're not dating."

"As if I'll believe at you.Let's just accept the fact that we are just going marry because it's just an arrange marriage.We don't love each other anymore."I said and I'm not sure in my last sentence.I don't want to admit it but when I saw him lately,I'm already in the verge of heart attack.

"I love you....."He said and her words softened my heart.

"I don't love you,jerk."I said and run away from him.The tears that I fighting back finally rolled down on my cheeks.

I do love you,but I think It's not right.


It's been a week since,Jungkook and I move to our new house.We slept into two different rooms.I cooked for our foods but I eat in living room while he eat in the dining table,alone.We both washing our own clothes.I do household chores while he everyday go to his office with a well fixed long sleeve and black pants,because I always ironing it before he will wake up,I want to make sure that the CEO of our company is well respect,but we didn't yet married,okay?

Suddenly my phone buzz,I'm happy to see that Jimin is calling me.I quickly answered it place on my ears.

Jimin:I'm already here in the airport.
Me:Oh my!I'm coming~
Jimin:You must!

Hung up.

Jimin is here in America to visit me and I'm so excited to see him again.I quickly change my clothes to not too much reaveling clothes,well you know~the hickeys are still visible so I ended up wearing a turtle neck.

I went downstairs to see Jungkook watching football,since it's Sunday and no paper works.I ignored his presence and quickly go out to our house.Afterwards I feel a sudden guilt for not even saying bye.I'm ignoring him at least I say goodbye?Aghhhhh!Whatever.I turned around and go back to our house.I twisted the door knob and peek a lil bit.

"Ahh...Jungkook..I-I'm just go-going to meet a friend."I said as he turned to look a me then he pasted a sweet smile that melts me inside.

"Ne~take care.Go home early"He said and he turned around to face the TV once again.I closed the door and put my hands on chest.Mah Hart!beating so fast as soon my cheeks burn up.


As I stepped on the airport,a short guy waving his hands on me caught my attention.I curved the corner of my lips and walked towards him.

"I mi-"Before I could finish my sentence,he pulled me to a tight hug.

"I can't breathe..."I manage to say those words.

"Ah..sorry."He said as he broke the hugged and now we are looking to each other.

"OH MY GOD! JIMIN!I MISS YOU!"I said as I pulled him in very tight hugged.

"*cough*I can't*cough*breathe."He said I broke the hugged when I notice some people sending us a wierd stares.

"How are you?Did you meet your future husband?Is he more handsome than me?"He bombard me a lot question.

"Can we talk about that somewhere?"



"Tell me what his name?Is he handsome?"He asked after we both sat on the chair inside the coffee shop.

"It's....."I don't want to continue.


"It's Jungkook..."I quickly response and his mouth wide open and his eyes is so big that I think anytime soon it will out on their socket.

"For real?!"He asked still surprised and I just nodded.

"How come?"He asked as he leaned his back on the chair."Destiny is really playful."He said as he shook his head with a happy face.

"But I don't love him anymore."I said as I rolled my eyes.


"He is happy with Hanuel.I'm hurt when I saw his picture hugging Hanuel."I said as I folded my arms over my chest.

"That's when you leave,he feel so painful that time,he just need someone to comfort him.Can you not only think about yourself.Jungkook is also painful when you leave,you're not the only one who is painful,he did too."He scold and I feel guilty for only thinking about myself,I'm hurt he also hurt.The both of us are hurt,but he is more painful.

"Don't you know that the for the first year you left,*sigh*we all now that Jungkook is really focus on his career but he still have the time to eat and sleep well.But it all started to change,he  push himself on his career,he forgets to eat,rarely sleep and he doesn't go home for 3-4 days ,he just stayed in the dance room and dance.The worst is he don't listen to us."Jimin's toned lace with a slight anger.I started to feel guilty since I'm reason behind it.

Jimin patted my shoulders."You leaving....I guess even Jungkook didn't expect that it would affect him so much,because of fatigue and imbalance nutrition,his body gave up,and we all see him on the floor blacked out,we rushed him on the hospital.The doctor said that he have an ulcer,and the worst he just enduring it all the time."My eyes become watery as soon they rolled on my cheeks,I wiped them away and look at Jimin.

"This all my fault...If I didn't leave hi.."I was cut off.

"Shhhh..."He shushed me.."The important is your back on him,don't leave him again or else he will go back torturing himself,again."I just nodded and Jimin hugged me.

I act like I'm the the most pained,but it's not me, it's you.




~cute savage~

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