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Minji's POV

I opened my eyes and white light welcome me.

Am I in heaven?

I blink eyes twice and everything went clearer,to realize I am in a hospital bed.I looked at my side expecting Jungkook to be with me,but it's not,Minzy and Jimin is in the chair discussing something.I looked to another side to see a bright sky on the window.With all my energy I stand up from the bed and go to the window.

"Oh my God!You should not stand up from your bed."Minzy said as she walked towards my back.

"Where is Jungkook?"I asked which make her speechless and obvious that she is searching for some words.

"He is talking to your uncle."Jimin said from behind.I walked towards my bed and in my last step,I stumbled but thanks to Minzy who supported me to gain my balance.

"Aish, you're really clumsy.What will you do if I'll leave"She said and the word 'leave'remain in my mind.

"Where are you going?"I asked and she sighed."Well I'll be having a dance training in America,the management will send me there together with the other trainee."She said and I just looked down."Aish, don't worry,Jimin is still here to look after for you."She said and Jimin nodded as a response.

"He is just going to tease me."I said and Jimin giggles because of my childishness.

"That shortie?Just hit him."Minzy making the both of us chuckled to a pity Jimin.


The door opened for the second time and Jungkook entered the room with a smile when he saw me smiling widely at him.Then my smile replace a sneeze when I saw Jungkook holding a bouquet of red roses,which I have an allergy.

I started sneezing non-stop."Throw that away!"I said and Jungkook quickly put the roses outside,then I stop sneezing.

"You should just bring me a teddy instead a red roses."I said after he sit on the edge of my bed.

"I should but I gave it to Hanuel,since you have a lot teddy bear."So he also gave Hanuel a teddy bear? What's going on here?

"Hey!You jealous again!It just a one teddy bear I can buy you a lot of that if you want!That doesn't mean that I love her,again.Your uncle told me to look for the both you since he can't do it by himself."He said approach me and sit on my side with I'm between his two arms and all I can see is his face.

"Don't be jealous."He mumbled as he pecked my  forehead,but I can't help but to glare at him.

"That's not enough?"He asked within a split of seconds,I feel another set of lips on mine.We pulled away then he hugged me so tight and I can barely breathe on his chest.

He ruffled my hair"We should rest now I'm really tired"He said as he lie down beside me with his arm is wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"I want test if the hospital bed is that durable."He said which make me nervous."....Hey we can't do it here, there's a camera in this room."I alomst as whispered and Jungkook look at me in disbelief.

"*chuckled*I want to test the bed if it can holds two people."He said and men!I'm so embarrassed.


"I didn't know that I have a pervert girlfriend."He said and he chuckled non-stop.

"Whatever,stop teasing me,I hate you."I said as I turn to back to not face him,then he back hugged pulling me closer to him.The when I can't endure not facing him,I flipped to face him and dig my face on his chest.

"*chuckled*You hate me,huh."He teased again.

"Shut up."


3rd Person's POV

Minji wake up and Jungkook is no longer on his side.

"He must be on the Bighit."Minji said as she yawned and stretch her arms.Then the door suddenly opened and Bangtan entered the room with a lot of bag of foods on each hands.She expected Jungkook to be there,but it's not.

Bangtan is here,then he must not on the Bighit,right?Minji mentally asked.

"Minji!How are you?"Namjoon asked snapping Minji's thoughts."I'm fine."She said and fake a smile.

"Who are you waiting for?Minzy?She already left."J-hope said to the girl who is looking on the door.Well,J-hope state a wrong guess,because Minji is waiting for Jungkook,but he didn't come to show up.


Bangtan is so loud that can make the building collapsed anytime.Then Minji leaned closer to the boy beside her."Can you come with me outside?I can't no longer stay in this atmosphere."Minji whispered to Jimin and they go out of the room without anyone notice them.

They are walking on the hallway and a silence is killing the both them.They both want to break the silence but no one can't think a topic that they can discuss,so they just walk silently.

"Can you blow my eyes?"Hanuel asked while scratching her eyes hardly.Jungkook approach her in the bed and sit beside Hanuel and blow her eyes.

"Thank you!"Hanuel said."Get out on my bed! You're girlfriend might see us and think that we are kissing."She said the both them chuckled.

Minji stood in frozen while looking at the familiar figure inside the room.The girl is sitting on the bed with his back is leaning on the wall and the boy is sitting at the side of the girl which is back facing Minji.They face are so close to each other,which make Minji think that they are kissing.As soon Minji's heart shattered into a pieces when she saw Hanuel and Jungkook.

The brim of her eyes get teary.Her knees are getting weaker and in the verge of falling on the floor.The boy beside her also witnessed the scene,he stay speechless until he notice that Minji is crying.

He pulled Minji's wrist and dragged her away.After walking for a minute,they averted to the hospital's rooftop.Then Jimin pulled Minji closer to him and hugged her.Minji also response to a hugged,she also wrapped her arm to Jimin's body and cried on his chest.

"Jimin.."He said while sobbing and Jimin just hummed.

"Take me to your house."Minji said as she broke the hug.

"Jungkook must be worried if he see that your is empty."Jimin said while wiping the tears on Minji's cheek.

"...I don't want to see him..."




~cute savage~

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