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Minji's POV

Every steps are heavier than before,because it will lead me to a room where Jungkook is.


Why did you kiss back.You look like a easy girl to what you did!"I mumbled as I slightly slap my face.

I opened the door and first thing I saw is Jungkook smiling at me.I look at him in 00000.1 s4econds which I quickly look away.4

"Good morning!"I greet them.

Men! it's so awkward.


Aish!where is my handkerchief?I've been looking for it in half hour,but I can't find where that shity handkerchief.

"Oh!Hi Minji!"Taehee, Jungkook's PA as for now, greeted me.

"Oh!Hi unnie!"I greet too.

"Today let's change our position."

"Wh...What!?No not today please!"it is still awkward between us.And I don't want to talk to him.

"Why?I really smell something between the two of you."She said in playful tone.

"Me and him?Nothing!"I said I don't know why but I can't look at her directly.

"Don't de-"She was cut off.

"Minji!"No!I don't want to talk to you!

Without looking at him,I quickly grabbed Taehee's arm and dragged her away with me.

"Ah le.... let's go!We need to go to the office!"I said in a shaky voice.

Please Jungkook don't get closer to me!My feelings for you might grow.


Jungkook's POV

"Good morning!"The voice made me look at her.She look at me very fast then look away.

This is awkward.I'm right that she will ignore me.

"Minji!Your handkerchief!"V hyung yelled but she's so fast to walk.

"Jungkook,give it back to her."V hyung said while handing me the handkerchief.

"Ah.....Wh....why me hyung? She's not my PA.Tell Jimin hyung to give back it to her."I said in shaky voice.

"Why me?The two of you are friends right?"Jimin said in a playful tone and everyone agree.

"Give back to her.Don't disobey us,we are still your hyungs."

Great!Just great!


Minji where are you!We look like playing hide and seek.She keep on hiding at me and don't even want to look at me.

I can't blame her,because even me can't talk to her like nothing happened.Maybe if I didn't kiss her, all things will be fine.Jungkook,why you can't control yourself?

She's there with Taehee noona,my PA.

"Minji!"I called and without looking at me,she quickly grabbed Taehee noona's arm and walked away from me.

"Ah le.... let's go!We need to go to the office!"She said and little by little the voice fades.

Are you going to ignore me that bad?


Minji's POV

Aish! this is so awkward we are on the same building,we move to a same room and we breathe the same air,but men,we don't even talk.

"Hey Minji!"His voice again!Now,how I can run away?He is on my back right now.No choice.

I close my eyes and breathe deeply.I turned to face him and I  paste a smile.A fake smile.

"I want to give you this."He said and he hand me my handkerchief.

I took it quickly shove it to my pocket.

"Thank you.."I said and I'm going to leave the scene when he grabbed my arm which made me to look at him.

"Why are you ignoring me?"He directly asked.
Boy we kiss and do you expecting me to talk to you like nothing happened?

"Me? ignoring you?of course no...We are fri... friends.Why should I ignore you?"I stutter in the word friends.

Tch friends?what kind of friend who kiss passionately?

"I gotta go.."I said and quickly leave the scene.

My  the butterflies in my stomach is killing me.


"This is weird."Jimin said while looking at me resting on the rooftop.

"Where is Jungkook?"

"Why are you asking me where is he?"I asked and I think he notice that I'm ignoring him.

"Because the two of you are always together.And the two of you are supposed to be here talking,but I wonder why? You're not with him.''

"Aish.He's busy, that's all no need to discuss that thing." Men we kiss,and you're expecting me to talk to him?

"Hmmm...I see....But you can't be absent tonight,because it his birthday celebration at his house.Our friends will be there and he's expecting you to be there."He said and I looked at him with a'what look'.

"Tell him I ca-"

"Yes,Minji! I'll tell him that your coming!"He said while walking away.

"Jimin!"I yelled but a laugh answered me.

I've been ignoring me for the whole day but tonight is his birthday and I need to come?

Whatta timing!


Now,I'm here at my room, staring to a blank space and still thinking if I'm going to his birthday,but I already bought a gift for him.

My phone ring for a video call coming from Jimin.

"Are you coming?"He asked while the rest of Bangtan waiting for my response.


"What?You have to go!"V said.

"Come on Minji! It's not complete without you."Jin oppa said.

"Yes Minji!"The others join.

"Minji!come here downstairs!"

"Yes I'm coming!"

"Glad you change your mind!"Yoongi oppa said and they all smile.


"Okay Minji see you later."Jimin said and ended the video call.

I smirk."Great!Just great!"I said and make my way downstair.

"What?!"I asked nonchalantly and looked away.

"What's that attitude Minji?"He asked while putting down his newspaper.

"Nothing....Just tell me uncle."I said while scratching my head irritated.

"Change to a formal clothes your attending Jungkook's birthday party tonight."




~cute savage~

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