6. First kiss

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Minji's POV

It's now Monday and I'm here at school.My 4 days vacation is almost perfect if I'm not going to be a PA.Our section  don't have classes for tomorrow until Friday is review day.The teachers gave it as review day since our section is the leading section on the school's billboard and on Monday final exam,but I think it's not going to be my long review day because of that PA thingy.

Woah,time past really fast I didn't notice that's it's vacation again.I didn't notice that after a long time,we met again.

"Woah,Now I find out how our hallway quiet when all of the students is on the gymnasium."I mumbled.

"Psst."Someone said,I turned around at my back and I saw nothing.I think it's not from my back.I turned to continue walking and I turned my direction to right and walked towards the gymnasium.Then,someone grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall.

He wears black cap and black mask."Aghhhhh!"I  screamed but he covered my mouth by his hands.

"I won't remove it until you keep on screaming."He said.The voice is familiar.

He removed his hands then I realized that I'm between his arms and our faces is few inches away.He removed his mask and his smiles make a  shivers run down my spine.

Minji.Don't be like scared cat at him do some cool moves.

I sighed and look away."What?"I asked as I crossed my elbow over my chest.

"Nothing."He simply answered and he didn't remove his fuqing arms yet, I'm still between it.

"Then what a-"I was cut off when I turned my head to face him and our lips met.I pushed him with all my force and that makes him fell on the floor.Then I heard some students going out of the gymnasium.

I quickly grabbed Jungkook's hand and help him to stand.I quickly dragged him out the hallway and brought him at the garden.

"What the hell entered your mind for you to come here?! Don't you know that there's a lot of fangirl here!?"I lightly yelled.

"Are you worried?"He asked teasingly.

"Are you stupid?Off course yes!."Omo!what did just I say?I looked at him with a 'what did I just say'look.

"Awwww!My PA is so sweet!"He said and hugged me while giggling.

I pushed him away."I'm just concerned at my credit card that's all.I'm just being your PA because my credit card is in the edge of tragedy."I said rolled my eyes.

"Go back to bighit!"I said as I do a hair flipped on his face and walked away."Minji!"He called and I turned to face him."Your lice is on mine now."He said and giggles.His giggles are so cute!

"Really give it back to me.You might become more stupid if you have it."I said while walking towards him.

"Tch.Whatever."He said and walked away.
I smirk."You can't beat me Jungkook."I said and walked towards the hallway.

I looked down because of embarrassment to what just happen lately.

Yah!Jungkook,you stole my first kiss.Because of your kiss it makes me feel guilty whenever I
I think about your girlfriend.Jungkoo-

I was cut off when someone push me to the barrier of the window.

"Ouch!"I moaned in pain because there's a bruise on my right arm.I look at them and first person I saw is Haera,every girls scared at her but not me, and the fuq they are laughing except for the one of them because she wears mask so I don't know if she is laughing too.

I smirk and about to walk when she grabbed my wrist and hold it very tight.

"Who is the boy that you runaway lately?"She asked while sending me her sharp gaze.

"Why did you care at all?You know you can't seduce him like what you are doing to the stupid boy here in campus.Because he's not a stupid one.He would likely to date a dog than a snake like you."I said and that makes her pissed.

"*She smile*brave that's what I like.See you soon,bae."She said and walked away but the girl who wears mask leave ma a bandage.

She's weired.I mentally said.
I looked at the bandage cover and there's a printed 'bighit medic supplies'on it.

Bighit medic supplies?Only staff,CEO,managers and artist can get a bandage like this.
Aish!Minji,is it big deal?
Tsk maybe she just pick it somewhere.

Lately I called Jungkook as stupid at the garden then now I told the girls that he's not stupid.I just don't want other people to seduce him.

Woah,chill girl.Chill Minji.


I'm here at my locker putting some books inside my locker because my business class ended.

"What happened to your arm?"A familiar voice asked.I closed my locker and face Jinwoo,my boyfriend.

"Ah so-someone just accidentally bump to me and I hit something that makes me have this br-bruise.But it's nothing."I said stuttering.

"I really miss you."He said and hugged me tightly.

Eww dirty hands on me.I still don't forget what I saw lately.When I went to bio-lab I saw him making out with a girl.I saw his finger under the girls skirt.I wish that he just fixing her skirt but it's not.I don't know that the bio-lab is the place where a unique experiment happen.But I can't lost him.His the only boy who accept me even he knows that I'm going to marry someone soon.But I don't know if I can still endure this kind of man.I  love him so bad that I can't let go of him.


A lot of time skip and finally it's our class dismissal.I walked towards the school gate and every students glancing at the car which is Benz.

"Who own this?I want to ride."The girl said and giggles.

The window of a car rolled down and boy who wears mask and a cap waving at me.
I looked at my back to see who his calling at but I just a saw nerd girl typing something on her phone.She startled me because of her curl hair.

I point at myself and he nodded and now all of the attention of the students is on me.

While walking towards the car I heard some students.

"She's the one will ride the car.It doesn't suit her at all"She mumbled but it's audible I looked at her as I send a death glare to her and he made a peace sign.

I leaned my ears to him."It's me,Jungkook.Now enter the car."He said and I quickly push his face inside the car,because the life of my credit is on the edge blocking.

I enter the car."What's your problem!"I yelled that makes him to cover his both ears.

"Hey,calm down.I don't have my PA for the whole day it's hard for me as an idol.Tsk."He said annoyed.

"Pd-nim gave me money to buy some clothes for the fan signing.Since your my PA/stylist and make up artist you're the one to manage it."He said and 'slash'word make me laugh because he even show me his girly 'slash' action.

I chuckled then he looked at me with a 'what'look.

"What's wrong with you?"He asked.
"No....Nothing."I answered between the laugh.

"Tch.You're really wierd.Now you drive here."He said while trying to get out on his sit until he lost his balance and that's make us to lie down  because his weight is on my body.Now his body is on top of mine.

It's takes me a second but felt like a minute to realized what is just happening right now.
He smirk."You're heart,beats really fast.When I'm close to you like this.Don't tell me you like me."He said as I push him away from me.

"That's because I saw your bunny teeth,I'm scared that you might bite me like a carrot."



~cute savage~

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