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Minji's POV

"Aghhh! I've ignoring him for a week and my day is not complete without any fight with him."I mumbled to myself while going to Bighit building.

If I didn't talk to Jimin on the rooftop,I won't be like this.



You made me feel like this!


"Yah!Of course we are friend's.Why should I came here and waste my time if I didn't really care for you."He said and smiled and I almost melt on his smiles.

That's the kindest words that I heard so far.My poor heart again!

"Let's talk about your love problems."He said grabbed my hands.

"Jimin,please help me.You know Jungkook....Aghhhhh!"I said as sighed heavily.

"Jungkook?What about that bunny?"He asked innocently.

I looked at him."Don't play it!You saw us lately right?"I asked.

"Yes! then what's the matter of you being on his top."He said and chuckled a bit at his last word.

I send him a death glare and he just stare at me.

"Aish!Just get to the point."He said irritated.

"Well I think I'm in attracted with him,but I don't know what I exactly feel towards him is it like or love."I said fast and he just gave me a 'wth' look.

"Jimin please help me!"I said while digging myself on his shoulder.

Okay I'm so clingy!I admit it.

"Tell me what exactly you feel when he is around you."

"Well these past days, whenever he is at my side my heart is like going explode especially when we are so close to each other.And I don't want him to see with other especially girls.Then I want to be with me always even I'm having a mini heart attack.Lastly before I don't want to be his PA but these past days I really want it since I'm always with him."I said and I looked at Jimin who just sincerely listening to my every words.

"Huhuhuhu."I faked cry then he hit my head lightly.

"Are you stupid?Then you really in love."He said while I'm massaging my head.

"But I don't want to be in love with him because he has a girlfriend."I mumbled in my last word and I put my chin on my palm.

He smirk"The best way is to ignore him."

How can I ignore him if I always want him to be with me?If I do that I'm going crazy because I will miss him.My feeling might go stronger if I ignore him.

End of the flashback

I opened the door and I'm surprised when the energetic Bangtan looks like wakeful.



Someone is missing.

Jungkook is not here.

"Hey guys!"I said and they all go back to reality.

"Ahh....Hi....Minji.."V said sending me a fake smile.

"What happened?Did you guys didn't take enough rest?By the way,where is Jungkook?"I bombard them a question and in my last question they all look to each other.

"Well Jungkook is on the rooftop.He stay there nightlong and he don't want to talk to anyone of us,he will say 'just leave hyung!'or 'leave me alone'"J-hope oppa said while scratching his nape.

"Why?"That's the only words came out on my mouth.

"Do you remember when the both of attend the magazine photoshoot of Jungkook."I nodded."After that you went to the love cafe to meet Jungkook's girlfriend and that day..........Uhmmmm.....They have a fight."Jimin said.

That's why his face is unpainted that time.

"Then last night.... Her girlfriend break up with him because Jungkook don't want her to leave but his girlfriend still leave so that's why he been like that."Suga oppa continue.

"Can you lo-"Namjoon oppa was cut off when I quickly stood up and run to the rooftop.

I opened the door of the rooftop and approach the boy on the edge of the rooftop.

"Hey Jungkook need someone?"I said while  chasing my breath.

"Just leave!"He said lightly yelling.

"I won't."I quickly response and he look at me with a sharp gaze.

"Please Minji!Just leave!"He yelled louder and I'm sorry Jungkook I won't be gentle to you anymore.

"Why are you being like that?You're the one who told me sometime letting go of someone is the only way to set free yourself! Then why you can't apply it to yourself!?"I yelled.

"I can't set her free because I really love her but she left and because of of that she makes me feel unwanted.She left because of me!"He yelled while trying to hold his tears.

"Just leave you're just my PA you don't need to interfere in my problems."He said avoiding any contact with me.

So after all this time I'm just a fuckening PA.You just see as your PA and not your friend.

"*Smirk*Yes who I am to interfere with your problem?Just consider me a concerned citizen who want to help a little boy on his problem.Do you know how much painful do you give to your friends that they just like to comfort you but your just pushing them away.The reason why your girlfriend left wasn't your fault but if your friends leave is really your fault.Wait until the people that is important to you fades like bubble.You don't how painful it is." *Like what you did to me*I said and in my last sentence tears fell.I run downstairs and leaned my back against the wall.

Until now I'm just a PA for him.I think we are friends since he comfort me and always makes me happy but it was all fake.I assumed that we are friends but it's not.It's really hurt because the person you want just sees you like a waste.




~cute savage~

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