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Minji's POV

1 week later

My everyday life is complete,because I'm now again Jungkook's PA.Even he always give me a heart, it's okay because we are always together.I can say that I'm totally in love with him.I hope that he feel the same as me.

I hope.

There's only one person that ruined my day.It's Mr.Delight.Mr.Delight is first placer on the game War of Legends and I'm just second to him.The worst he always calling me Ms.Second Place when I place second and he is the first.

I really want to win the patch of War of Legends in the mall,but I think I can't because Mr.Delight always place first.

Mr.Delight:I win again!Ms.Second Place!

Here he is again!

Ms.Victory:You must be ready for the next battle because I'll make sure that you will place second!

Mr.Delight:You always say that,but you still place second to me,and I think you need to change your name to Ms.Second Place because Ms.Victory doesn't fit you!

Ms.Just shut up!Mr.Delight!

Aghhh!I hate you Mr.Delight!

I look at my wrist watch and the time is 8:05 am.Jungkook's need to be ready for the fan signing.

I walked towards on the couch where he is playing with his phone.

"Hey Jungkook.Let's go.I said very pissed because of you Mr.Delight.

He shoved his phone on his pocket and look at me.

"Oh! What's that face?"He asked as he stands.

"Mr.Delight made me like this."I said and his expression suddenly change.

Jungkook's POV

You can't defeat me Ms.Victory!

Ms.Victory is really competetive.She still trying to win against me but she still place second and I place first,so that's I why I always want to tease her.She can't even averted to 1,000 star in one War.

Mr.Delight:I win again!Ms.Second Place!

Ms.Victory:You must be ready for the next battle because I'll make sure that you will place second!

She's really competitive!

Mr.Delight:You always say that,but you still place second to me,and I think you need to change your name to Ms.Second Place because Ms.Victory doesn't fit you!

Ms.Just shut up!Mr.Delight!

She is pissed already?

Hey Jungkook.Let's go."She said in a pissed tone.

I shoved my phone on my pocket and I look at her.

"Oh! What's that face?"I asked as I stand.She has a lour face

"Mr.Delight made me like this."She said.

Mr.Delight?Is that me in War of Legends? I wonder how she know.Don't tell me that Minji is Ms.Victory,I swear she will kill me if he find out that I'm Mr.Delight.

"Who is he?"

"It is the asshole in the game War of Legends.He always calling me Ms.Second Place because I always place second and he always place first.Is he blind that he can't see that my name in the War of Legends is Ms.Victory!That asshole"Oh! that's hurt.Mr.Delight is in front of you,girl!So you are Ms.Victory?I know that you will kill me if you find out that I'm Mr.Delight.

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