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Minji's POV

I've waiting here for half hour but it's feel like forever.It won't going to be this boring if Jungkook didn't left me here.Well, it's okay because he is late on his family reunion.

I just patiently waiting for her arrived until a paired of shoes appeared on the floor where I staring.

"Are you Minji?"She asked furrowing his brows.I can't talk because I'm distracted to her lips which is really red,and I think he consume a lot of lipstick on it.

"Ah yes!"I said as I stand up from my sit and she cracked a smile.

"I'm Hanuel."She said put her hand on my front waiting for my hands to shake with her.

"Minji."I said as we shake hands which I quickly pull my hands, because I'm not comfortable.I don't know why I feel this feeling.

"Come on"I said and walked before her.


I craving for some sweets,but I can't go out since Hanuel will be alone if I go out.Then an appropriate idea entered my mind.

I grabbed my phone on the table beside me and looked for Jungkook's name on my contact.

Within two rings he pick it up.

Kookie:Miss me already?
Me:Yes! Kookie can you gave some sweets here in my house?
Kookie:Okay my princess.
Me:Thank you!
Jungkook:Hmmm.I'm there in a minute.

Hung up.

I throw my phone on the bed and quickly fix myself on the mirror.I put some powder on my face and a light lipstick on my lips.

After waiting for a minute,I heard a door bell on downstair.I quickly opened my door and I'm surprised when Hanuel also go out on her room which is only beside my room.

I ignored her presence and run to the gate.I opened the gate and first thing I saw is Jungkook holding a cute box of a chocolate cake.

"Thanks Kookie."I said as I take the box on his hands.

"You even fix yourself,huh."He chuckled as he wiped the lipstick on the corner if my lips.

"MINJI!WHERE IS YOUR BATHROOM?!!"Hanuel shouted from the house.

"I gotta go."I said and turned around my way to our house.

"You forgot something."He said as I turned around to face him again.


"My goodbye kiss."He said pointing his lips.I walked towards him and give some peck on his lips.

"Yah!that was fast."He complained like a kid and pout.

He then pulled my hand and kissed me passionately.We pulled away,"That's kiss what I want."He said and ruffled my hair.

"Bye..."He said as he drove away.

"Aish,that boy."I said to myself and let out a smirk.

I entered our house and I saw Hanuel on the living room waiting for me.

"The bathroom is in the right of your room."I said and her eyes travel on the box of chocolate cake on my hand.

No I won't share it.

"Okay!"She said and smiled widely then make her way upstair.

"Thanks God!"I said in a relief,I made my to the kitchen and enjoy every piece of the cake.It's more special since it was  from Jungkook.


5 days later.

3rd Person's POV

Minji and Hanuel are in the cafe, patiently waiting for her friends to come.She invite them,because she wants Hanuel to meet her friends,since she just spend her days in Minji's house and not making any friends in Korea.

The door suddenly opened and the two turned their heads to look if the people they are waiting to arrive are here.

"The place is so bi-"J-hope was cut off by nothing as his phone fell on the floor.

Everyone except for Minji and Hanuel are surprised.Minji's friend stood in frozen in the door as if they saw a ghost.

Minji stand from her sit and picked J-hope's phone on the floor then hand it to him.She walks to Jungkook who just stare to Hanuel since they entered the cafe.

She peck her boyfriend's cheeck,because he felt a sudden spark of jealousy.

Then everyone go back reality.Minji pulled Jungkook's hand and sit between Hanuel and her boyfriend.

Everyone sit on the chair without making any noise.They're must be loud this time as if they are the only customer on the cafe,but it's a miracle that no one them throw a joke.

Minji started to think a random thoughts,but she just found it nonsense.

"Uhmmm.Did you just saw a ghost?"Minji said as she chuckled,breaking the silence but it was too lame.

"By the way it's Hanuel my friend."Minji said pointing Hanuel on her side and everyone just smile awkwardly.

30 minutes past but they just drink some coffee and nothing more happened.

"Ah Minji!I will just go to my Aunt's house."Hanuel said after she drink the coffee on her mug.

"Ah,ok.See you at house!"Minji yelled and Hanuel just smiled and waved her hand.

"Ah Minji!Me and my friends are going to have a practice today,if you mind we are going early this time."Nayeon said uncomfortably as if she does something bad.

"Ah yes!Off course."Minji said and chuckled,because there's an awkward atmosphere between them.

After Twice left,BTS have their own business,but Jungkook who is just staring at the blank space.Minji looked at his boyfriend and start to feel worried, maybe something happened.

Minji holds Jungkook's hand and squeeze it.
Jungkook looks at her"Are you okay?"Minji asked and Jungkook just nodded then looked away.

"It's almost time."Namjoon said looking at the screen of his phone.

"Let's go."V said and they all stand up and leave me alone at the cafe.

Did I do something that makes them stay awkward all this time?Minji mentally asked.

She is in the deep thoughts when someone pulled her hands and bring her at the corner of the cafe.

Minji was surprised when he saw Jimin,because she thought they leave.

"Why did you do that?"Jimin asked.

"Did what?"Minji was puzzled.

"Why did you bring him at his ex girlfriend..?"




~cute savage~

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