2.We Met

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It's been one hour when I left our school so I think it's time to go home,but I wonder, there's no students running out of the campus yet.After waiting for a couple of minutes my service arrive.

I entered the car."Hyerin I think you should be ready when you arrive at your house."My driver said and I looked at him.

"I mean Minji."He said in apologetic way.


Me and Minseo is here in the car singing with happiness because finally the dance school ended.While singing we heard a loud honk.

Our car stopped.

Then followed by a loud crash.

Next is I found our car is on fire.

Next day I found myself in a hospital bed.In my side is my uncle.He looked at me and he hugged me.

"Are you okay?"He asked in a worried tone and I just nodded.

"Where is Minseo?"I asked and uncle looked down.

"Where is she?!"my voice raise a bit.

"She's gone."He said.

"No that's not true!No!Bring me to her!"I insist but it can't the change reality that for the second I lost a friend.First Jungkook,now it's Minseo.Maybe Jungkook didn't die out but I can consider him died person because he totally off cast me.

At the day of incident he was there peeking at the tree just watching me dying.One last thing I saw is he is approaching me but someone dragged him away.On the next day,one bad news arrived they said that my dad died.I feel like little by little all the most important people on my life are leaving me,alone.

Just because I want to leave all the pain,I change my name to Park Minji.Whenever I heard the name 'Hyerin' it's always bring me to miserable past.I need to forget all of those memories including you,Jungkook,my first love.

End of the flashback

We arrived at my house and I quickly open the door.And first thing I saw is the back of my uncle.My heart beats faster because it's still early for him to go home.

He turned around."Where did you go?"He asked in a angry tone.

"school?."I said trying not show that I'm nervous.

"Your teacher said you're not there when your classmates past their projects!"He raised his voice a bit.

"Wait,how!We don't have teacher so I went out of the campus early."I explained.

"Your teacher arrived late but she's not absent so that's why they take over time."He said.

"I didn't know about that."I said as I crossed my elbow and looked away.

"Park Minji I didn't take you here to just to skip your classes."He said calling my full name.

"Uncle I do-"I was cut off.

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