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Minji's POV

"Where should we go first?"I asked that made him looked at me.

"I'm hungry,find some good place to eat at."He said.This kind of situation really annoyed me.

He opened the door and I will going to enter it when the fuq of him quickly closed the door making my finger ooze some bloods because  it was press between the door and  the wall.

"Shit!"I cursed loud enough to heard by him.

"What happened?"He asked with a fake concerned eyes.

"You're such brat!Why are you so childish? Can't you see my fingers tlhere?Can you be gentle to me at once!"I said making him surprised because of my voice,good thing that there's no people in this cafe.Only my friend who own this cafe.

"I'm-"Jungkook was cut off.

"Oh!Minji what happend?Are you okay?"Jaeyoon asked as he hold my hands trying his best not to touch the cut.

"Come let's clean that."He said as I looked at Jungkook who suddenly change an emotion like someone seized his plushie and make fun with his bunny teeth.


"Minji,sorry."He said and it's obvious that it's only come from his nose.

"Sure you are,Jungkook."I answered as Sohye,Jaeyoon's niece,come to me and sit on my lap.

"Hi baby!"I said as I squish gently her chubby cheeks but she's looking at Jungkook who is looking outside and spacing out.

"Why are you looking at him?"I asked her and she looked at me with a reddish cheek.

"You like him?"I asked teasingly and finally Jungkook looked at us.

"Yes unnie, he's so handsome."She said and giggles cutely.

"That's true,baby."He said and they hi5.

I smirk"Don't admire anyone like him or let's just say that don't admire the boy in our front us because he's so childish."I said and Sohye show me a disappointed face.

"You know he even sleep with his teddy bear until now."I said and Sohye laugh cutely.I looked at Jungkook and he send me death a glares and looks like he wanted me to know that he would give me a punishment after this.

Jungkook's POV

That girl really making me pissed.I'll make you suffer to what you done to me lately.

"Minji,you go there and get some tray for my clothes."I said and gave me'what'look but then she gave up and followed my order.

She's the first girl who always argue with me.But sometimes I found it cute.Idk why,sometimes I'm really weird.


Time to pay all the cost of the clothes I'll make Minji's credit card sacrifice because I will give my another credit card which has no money.So,I feel so sorry for you credit card you need to suffer the punishment that your owner must be the one to feel it.

Minji turned face me"Where's your credit card?"He asked uninterested to talk to me.

I gave the credit card and he took it.

"Do you have another credit card because this is empty."The cashier said examining the credit card.

"Do you have another credit card?"She asked and her eyes telling me to say 'Yes,I have another'.

"I left it our dorm."I said and trying to hold back my laughter becasue of her 'Wth?!' look.

"The hell, Jungkook!"she whispered-shout.

"Do you have your credit card right?Pay it in advance because I need it.I'm sure that it will be added to your salary."I said and I can sense that she is really pissed and ready to punch me right now.

She rolled her eyes and take out her credit and pay all the expenses.

Don't try me Minji.

Minji's POV

I hate the shit of  you Jungkook.If I can punch  of you,I will.But the fuqing life of my credit card is on the edge of danger.

"Lift all the plastic bags."Jungkook said and no choice.

"Where are you going?I park the car there."I said as he walk while putting his cap and shades.

"At the fountain,you need to come I need you there."He said as he grabbed my hand with full of plastic bags.

There is only a few of people where the the fountain is.

"Don't put it down, it's dangerous."He said while drinking ice chocolate and his command  making me realize that the punishment started.

"How could it be dangerous if the people here is only few?"I asked.

"Just shut up Minji!"He said and turned not to face me.

Shut up your ass,Jungkook.

I walked towards the fountain when the fuq of him turned around and his ice chocoloate is all over my uniform.

"Shit!"I cursed again in again.

"Oops!"He said and chuckled and that makes my blood started to boil.

I don't want to argue to a person like 4th grader even he is mature one.He doesn't know that this uniform is very expensive that my uncle scolded me on every stain on it.

I looked at him and he's expecting me to argue with him.I sighed with an anger on it as I walked past by him and headed to the fountain.

I just stare at the water to see my own reflection until Jungkook's reflection appear on it but I just ignore him.A minute past and it is very peaceful between us til his childishness  activated and he point me the water hose at that's make me very wet.
Glad that the clothes are properly sealed in a plastic so it won't be implicated to Jungkook's fuqening acts.

He put it back in it place then he looked at me laughing bitterly.

"Shit Jungkook,just shit!You're really making me annoyed!I would rather lost my credit card than to be with you everyday!"I yelled and put down the plastic bag and walk past him.

Jungkook's POV

I think I go so far.I really hurt her this time.She won't be like that if not because me.I don't know why but her credit card is so powerful that she did endure me last day.


Please stream my babies new mv.Twice 'Fancy'mv.It such the most beautiful mv I've ever watch.




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