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Minji's POV

LIFE.Life isn't that beautiful and wonderful as you grow old.Everything in this world is ugly,because the love you feel is also contains  tears.

I'm here again in the park,crying,after I knew that I'm going back to America,to meet my future husband and his family.Jungkook is bothering me!Why I didn't think about the wedding before I enter a relationship with him?Well,I think he's happy with Hanuel.Glad,that he won't feel any pain when I leave,because he is already happy with his ex.

"Minj..."The voice seems familiar.I looked at the direction of the voice to see Hanuel standing with unpainted face.I just looked away and afterwards I feel her sit by my side.

"Why are you cold to me?"She asked and in the corner of my eyes I can see that she is looking at me.

Kissing my boyfriend,do you think I will threat you nicely?

"Agh.I know why because you think me and Jungkook kiss right?"She asked and the 'think' word makes look at her.What do she mean in 'think'.

"*chuckled*Minji let me tell you,we didn't kiss.I just asked him to blow my eyes that's all."She said and smiled widely.I just stayed quiet and waiting for her to talk,but seem like she won't going to talk anymore."I gotta go.."She said and hugged me by her one arm,since her right arm is fractured.

So they didn't kiss?Which means Jungkook didn't cheated?Well, it's the best choice to not to talk with him and fix the misunderstanding,since I'm still going to leave him.His presence will only make me feel do bad for leaving him.

I'm sorry,Jungkook.


I'm still having a double thoughts to enter Jimin's house since I run off lately when he is in the kitchen making some meals.I entered Jimin's house and I saw him watching TV then his eyes landed to me.

"Minji! Where have you been?"He asked as I sit on his couch.I was expecting him to scold me but it's opposite."I just went to the park."I sighed and leaned my back on the couch.

"You need to know something."He said and turned to look at me then I did the same.

"Hanuel and Jungkook didn't kiss,Jungkook just blo-"I cut him,no need to repeat,it can't change the fact that I'm still going to leave him.

"I know."He said with a poker face and his reaction is opposite to mine.

"Then why you shouldn't talk to him."Should I tell him?

"Jimin I'm going to leave him."I said and hang my head lower.

"What?!They didn't ki-"

"I'm going back to America,and not sure if I'm going back here in Korea."I said while bitting my lower lip to hold back my tears.

"Are you stupid?!You know that Jungkook will be painful in case he find out that you leave!"He said raising his voice a bit.

"So that's why I don't want to talk to him,because his presence will only make me feel so bad for leaving him.I want him to think that I leave him because I caught him cheating than to know that I'm going leave him because I will marry someone."I said the unexpected.I must not tell Jimin about the reason why I'm going to leave.

"Marry?!What do you mean."Jimin asked surprised."*sighed*it's and arrange marriage."on my last word a tears escape on my eyes thinking how pain that Jungkook would feel whenever he left,I feel so bad.

"Jimin...I begged you don't tell Jungkook.."I said"I will."Jimin replied then he pulled me to his chest.


It's only 3:00 am but Jimin and I is in my house packing my stuff.I'm here in my room while Jimin is taking a nap downstairs.

I zipped the suitcase and lift it downstairs."Yah!Jimin let's go."I said while hitting his cheeks lightly.He stand up as he yawned and stretch his arms in the air.

While driving I can't help but to think about Jungkook's reaction after he find out that I leave.

The thing that I'm scared at happened,that is make the person I love suffer to a pain that I give.I'm sorry Jungkook,I can't fight for our love.

"We are here."Jimin said snapping my thoughts."Let's go."I said trying to cover my teary eyes with a fake smile.

My flight is 4:30 am,and I just waiting to the time comes,but felt like the time ticked fast.We both stand up and face each other.

"Bye Jimin.."I said as I waved my hand to him and he did the same.I turned around and started to walked with the suitcase on my hand.

Jimin help me a lot.He is such a good friend.

I stopped walking and turned around to look at him,he is still there staring at me.I walked go back to him and hugged him so tight.Then afterwards I feel that he also wrapped his arms around on my body.

I broke the hug,"Thank you for being such a good friend,Jimin."I said with a teary eyes he then laugh."Aish,stop the drama,you might miss your flight."He said as he ruffled my hair.I again started walking,I looked at him once again then he wave his both hands on me and I just smiled.




~cute savage~

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