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Minji's POV

I slammed the door and made my way to the cubicle.This is weird but I don't know why I want to hug him tightly.I don't want to admit it but,I really miss him.

I went out of the cubicle and I'm surprised when Jungkook is there leaning his back against the wall.I just smirked and walk past by him.

"Hey!"He called and I just continued to walk.Well 'hey' is not my name.

"Wtf,I'm calling you!Hey!"He cursed and he sounds pissed, little by little his voice fades when I'm really far from him.

"Aghhhhh! Finally I can breathe properly."I said and inhailed a lot of air.

This rooftop is really related to my past.The rooftop is the place where everything started.I started to fall in love.I started to hope which only gave me a tears.

"Minji!Pd nim is calling you!Aish!you interrupted my day dream.I turned around and I saw a girl gasping.I walked towards her and walked downstairs.

"How can you so relax when he is angry."She asked.Looks like everyone is scared at him.

"Do I need to be scared?"I asked and added a smirk.I opened the door of his office and first thing I saw is Jungkook.dah.

He look at me as he rolled his eye and I just smirk.

"Minji!where have you been?"Uncle asked.

"rooftop."I simply said crossed my elbow.
Jungkook looks at me with a 'what'looked.

"What?"I asked him in a cool way and let my eyes roll in annoyance.

"Jungkook is calling you lately and he said you didn't even looked at him."Uncle said.

I will play it."Really?where?when?I don't remember that he called me?"I said putting my finger on my temple to make Jungkook pissed.

"Don't lie,I called you lately when you went out the cubicle."He said and smirk.

"You said 'Hey!'Well 'hey' is not name.It's Minji if you just threat me nicely lately,then you don't need to suffer thinking for my name."

"Yo-"Jungkook was cut off by uncle.

"Enough!"Uncle said raising his voice a bit.

"You and Jungkook is going to headquarters to look for some files."He said and I gave him a 'what'looked signing him that I don't even want to be with him.

"No I won't going to headquarters with that kind of person!I don't really understand why you take this human being to be an artist in your company."I said pointing Jungkook and looking at him head to toe.

He stand."You're getting so far ha!"He raised his voice and even uncle surprised at it.

"If you don't want to come then don't!"He said and walked out.

"Minji if this happen again I will really blocked your credit card."He said in a calm way.

"What?! So I'll be the one to adjust on his nasty manners."I said and looked away.

"Make is fast and follow him at the parking lot."He said as I walked to the door and slammed it.

Great, just great!

Jungkook's POV

I can't endure her manners,so I ended yelling in front of Pd-nim.

"What are you waiting for?Open the gate.I command  the guard.

"Bang Shihyuk said that your PA is coming sir."He said.

That girl is really familiar, she's like Lee Hyerin?My childhood friend.Lee Hyerin where are you?If my memories wasn't gone  then I can still remember your face.Even now that I remember everything I still don't remember your face.Her last words are always running on my mind.

"Please,Jungkook don't gave me any motives to fall to you.Because.I know that  you can't return the love that I feel towards you.I taught you like me too,but I expect to much.I hold at your boyfriend material acts and at your sweet words but it is just only your simple manners that you can show to any girl.I thought I'm the only one that you can  threat like that but I am wrong.She said and walked away.

That time she is the only girl,I love.I'm happy that he also confessed to me but soon it replace by a sadness when she just left without saying goodbyes.But whenever I think of her dying on the street,I suddenly feel a guilt for not helping her.


Finally the class at dance school ended and right now I'm here at Angel's Park riding a bicycle until a I didn't notice a car.The car honk then the car avoided me,next thing I heard is a loud crash so I run and hide at the tree.I peek and I saw a girl lying in the road and she's dying and my world is almost deluge when I saw that the girl is Hyerin.I was approaching her when my hyung dragged me away.
Because of that everyday I blame myself for not helping her.Until one day we are eating when I feel my was world spinning and my sight went black.

Next I found myself at the hospital bed I only said one name it's Hyerin.Every piece of my memory was gone but I can't understand I only know one name even I don't know her face.I know her name but I don't know her face.


Because I love,Hyerin......



Just enjoy!❤️

Love is nothing stronger than a boy with luv.❤️

Boy with luv feat Halsey official mv realesed!

Yeah, Finally BTS did their comeback.It's top trend on twitter.Not bad because in just 2 hours it's 2.+ million views in YT.Just keep of streaming Army's.

Yeah you makin' me a boy with luv.❤️


~cute savage~

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