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Minji's POV

A sound of a noisy drawer wakes me up.

"Oh.I didn't meant to wake you up."A voice said and I looked at the direction of the voice.

"Are you okay?"He asked as he approach me with a concerned eyes.

And the miserable nightmare entered my mind.
A several tears keep falling on my cheeks and I feel a pair of arm is wrapped around me.

"No don't touche me!"While pushing him away from me.

"Shhhh....Minji it's just me.No one can't hurt anymore because I'm here beside you."He said while rubbing my back in circles.Then he kissed my hair,he broke the hug but he still hold my hand and my head is on his chest.I don't care how embarrassing this right now but I just want someone who stay with me until this cuts become a scar and all the miserable memories from yesterday fades like a bubble.

"I'm just going to get some water."He said and left me alone at the room.

It's such a shame crying like and baby in front of him.I'm trying to hold my tears but it keeps on falling on my cheek so I bite my lips and some blood ooze then I remember again how Jinwoo kissed me harashly.Many tears fall again,they keep on falling even I don't want this fuqing tears.

"Don't cry."Jungkook said as he hugged me again.I didn't even notice that he entered the room.My mind is still at the scene yesterday.

"Drink this."He said and I drink the water with a help of his hand.I looked so weak that Jungkook needs to support me in such a simple acts.

"I'm just going to put it back."He said but I grabbed his hands and he looks so at me with a  teary eyes telling me how bad he feel towards me.

"Jungkook....... Don't leave me....."I mumbled.

"I won't......."


"Now you're not going to sleep right?"He asked with a smile paste in his lips.

"I don't think so?I sleep a lot."I said better than lately.It's only hour past but now I'm okay, that's because Jungkook is here beside me.

"Then you go take bath and wear some clothes on my cabinet then go downstairs we are going to watch movie."He command and I parted the blanket on my lap.

I entered the bathroom and I saw a lot of deep cuts on my arm.

"I hate you,Jinwoo."I mumbled some words and take a bath.


"Are you done?!"Jungkook asked from the kitchen.

"Yes!"I answered loudly.

"You pick a movie that you want on the cabinet beside the TV!"He said and I go to the living room.

He has a lot of CD so I'm bit confused since all of it are nice movie.

"Are you done choosing!?"He asked loud.

"I'm bit confused what to choose is it 50 shades of grey or 50 shades darker!?"I asked loud enough and I heard a glasses shattered into pieces then followed by some footstep approaching me with a 2 popcorn on his one hand.

Then he snatch the CD on my hands."My hyungs left it in my house."He said and chuckled awkwardly.So I just chuckled too.

"You...You choose a different CD..."He said awkwardly."Let's just watch train to Busan."He said while pointing the CD.

"That's cool....."I said while just controlling my laughter,so he won't get embarrassed any further.But why he is so embarrassed?He is a boy, it's ordinary to them for having a CD like this.


"It's scary."I said as I put my hands on Jungkook's popcorn and he lightly hit my hands.

"It's a crime putting your hands on someone's popcorn while watching movie."He said as I pout and he just send me death glares so I just focus on the movie.

"Gong Yoo is a good actor right?"I asked but the response I get is a cute snores followed by his head on my shoulder.Afterwards he put his legs between my two legs.Glad that this couch is kinda big that two of us adequate on it.As soon he dig his head on my neck and his arm wrapped around my waist like he don't want to let go of me.

I switch off the TV and I can't help but to lie down straight like a pole.I keep my eyes open and just staring to Jungkook who is sleeping peacefully.




~cute savage~

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