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Minji's POV

Staring at the ceiling and listening to the sound of the clock is the only thing that I can do right now.My eye went to my cabinet and I saw Jungkook's jacket there.

"He didn't get it lately."I mumbled as I reach my phone at my study area.

On message.

Me: Let's meet at the park right now.I will give you something.

I send as I stand up and put my coat on because tonight is kinda cold.


"What took you so long?"He asked annoyed,seems like he wait for so long.

"I'm sorry I just have some errand to showed up."I said while handing him the paper bag.

"I'ts your jacket."I said and he took it.

"Tha-"I was cut off when Jinwoo,my boyfriend,put his arm around my neck.

"What's up,babe."He said emphasizing to word babe.I look at Jungkook and he just looked down I know he was so embarrassed for me for having a boyfriend like him.He is drunk and has  a lot of hickeys on his neck.

"Jinwoo,you must go home.You look so mess."I said trying my best to hold my tears back.

"Okay babe."He said and he kissed my forehead.

He unwrapped his arm on my neck and finally the tears that I'm holding back lately rolled down on my cheek but I quickly wipe it and looked away.

"Minji..."He called patting the empty space in the bench.I sit down there and a pair of arms is wrapped around my neck then I realize that Jungkook is hugging me so tight and rubbing my back in a circles.

He broke the hugged as he hold my hand and looked at me sincerely.

"How long did you two in a relationship?"He asked.

"1 year and 2 months."I answered as he wipe the tears on my cheek with his thumb.

"*He sighed*I know that you notice the hickeys on his neck.Ar-"I cut him off.

"Don't worry it's not the first time."I said and laughed showing him that I'm okay.

He hold my hand tighter making me feel how he feel so bad to me.Then his teeth gritted making me feel how he really like to beat Jinwoo.

"Then why don't you break up with him?If you know that he is only mak-."I cut him off for the second time.

I can't tell him that truth Jinwoo is the only guy who accept me even he knows that I'm marrying someone soon.

"It's because he is the only boy who accept me even he knows we won't going to have such happy ending because of my parent's."I said faster than normal.

"Minji!Are you stupid? Let's say that he is the only boy who accept you but are you going to resist his flirtation until you got two married?You don't know that the more you stay with him is the more pain that you can feel than letting go of him.Because sometime letting go of someone is the only way to set free yourself."He said with a mix emotion of anger and concerned.

"Jungkook......Please help me....I really don't know what to do...."I mumbled while my head is down making me look like pity.Afterwards he leaned his head on mine and gently kissed my forehead then he pulled me to a passionate hug.


Oh my god! Today is the exam day and I don't still have my uniform.Afterwards the door immediately open but I think it's just my uncle so I didn't even bother myself to look at him.

"Get up lazy butt and take a bath,today is your examination day."It's not my uncle,I lift my head and who is in the door.

And its......


And in his hand is a our university's school uniform.

"Your uniform."He said and I quickly run to him and hugged him so tight while saying the word 'thank you'.

"Thank you!"I said when I broke the hug.

"It's nothing."He said.

"It's not just nothing.You save me from my frekish uncle if I didn't take my exam today!So I'm sincerely thank you."I said and hugged him again.

I broke the hug when I feel it's getting awkward.

"Ha..hahaha...I'm just going to take a bath."I said and quickly run to the bathroom.

Minji.. What's that for?Are you really stupid? Hugging him like there's no tomorrow is really embarrassing.I just hugged him because of my overflowing happiness and there's no combination of any special feeling.

I insist.




~cute savage~

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