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Minji's POV

As soon as I saw Jinwoo,fear started taking over me,I just stand there and and let the fear paralyze my body.

I gulped and I was about the close the door but he stopped it with his one hand I quickly run but something hard hit my head,as soon I fell on the ground.My head is oozing some blood,I feel so dizzy,afterwards I feel my body lifting in the air.

"Tell them that I got her."Jinwoo's voice is fading then I realize he's the one carrying me,I have no chance to escape even how much I struggled.Before my sight become dark,I saw a guy wearing a black mask and they throw me to a minivan.


I wake up and my head sting which kill me inside.I look around to see that I'm in the store room or something.I tried to move then I realize that my body is tied in chair,my hand and my feet also tied.

"Finally you're up babe."Jinwoo said as he showed up from the dark corner.

"You fucking bastard let me go!"I yelled while keep on moving on the chair.

"Oops,you should call me babe instead of fucking bastard you're too harsh."He said with grin,which make me disgust.Then my eyes travel on the dazzling diamond of his finger.

"Why do you have me ring?!!"I asked and he quickly look at his finger.

"Is it important?Is it because that fucking Jeon Jungkook gave it to you?Oh my!Minji I really can't understand why did you replace me in your heart and the worst is Jungkook replace me."He said while shooking his head in this disbelief.

"It's simple asshole,he is not a fuck boi like you.He is better than you!"I said as he throw the ring somewhere and a hard slapped crossed my face.I taste some blood that ooze from my lips.I look at him with a sharp gaze.

"Then I mark you as mine,forever."He said as he took out a box of blade on his pocket.He kneeled on the floor to level me.He pulled down my clothes as soon I felt a sting on my bare skin which made me scream.

"Almost done,babe."He said press it and I scream in pain.He stand up and I look at me shoulder and it's have a letter J on it.

"Ughh...You might think that J is stand for Jungkook.Oh my!Jinwoo you're stupid."He said as he smack his forehead and the he kneeled down and continue imbedding the blade on my skin.

"Perfect.."He said and before he stand he kiss it.He look at me with his lips is covered a blood,I looked at my shoulder to see the fucking bastard name on it.

"I love you Minji..."He said smiling at me like a monster.

"But...I don't....lo-love you......"I said shaking and not looking at him.

"Huh?You don't love me?"He asked and I just nodded then he pulled my hair upward.

"Aghhhhh..."I yelled but he pulled it harder like it will detach on my scalp.

"Jin....woo....Stop..."I said between the sobs.He released my hair and look at me worriedly.

"No don't cry....I don't want to see you...crying..."He said as he wiped my tears with his thumb and gently kissed my eyelids.

"Please....let...me go..."I said sobbing because of pain.

"Just say that you love and you'll promise to stay with me then I'll set you free."He said hiccuping me cheeks.

"But......I.....don't love....you anymore...... Because you're a fucking bitch who fuck different girls everyday."I said and in my last sentence I talk faster that make him to grit his teeth.

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