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Minji's POV

"There you are!"Namjoon oppa said while pointing me.

"What took you so long?!"Jimin asked.

"I said I don't think if I'm coming!"I yelled a lil bit.

"But you said'Yes I'm coming'."V added and I notice the 9 unfamiliar girls beside the Bangtan.

"I said that to my uncle who is calling me to come downstairs."Who also want me to go to this birthday party.

"That's not important anymore.By the way this is Twice our close friends."Yoongi oppa said and pasted a smile and wave to them.

"Hi I'm Nayeon."









I said and shaking my hands with them,then my hand flinch when Jin oppa talk.

"Hi I'm Jin."He said run his finger on the back of his ears making look like a gay.

"Eww,that's dirty,hyung!"V said and we all chuckled.


We entered their house and a lot of elagant and lustrous, who has a champagne glass on their hands people welcomed us.

The party looks like a business party.They all look like respectful people because they dress formally.

We are sitting on a big table which is reserve by Jungkook,eating a lot of food and drinking some wine.

My heart beats fast when Jungkook appeared on my sight.He's approaching us with his eyes is directly looking at me.

My gawd!He looks more handsome and hotter in tuxedo.

"Happy birthday,Jungkook!"They all greeted and I'm still speechless.

"Thank you!By the way where's my gift?"He asked and everyone give their gift.

"Minji,where is your gift?We are expecting a lot from you."Jin oppa said.

"Sorry.I didn't buy any."I said and they shoulders went down because of disapointment.I looked at Jungkook who is really disappointed.

"No it's okay.What are you still doing here guys?You go party there."He said pointing the dance floor.

"Let's go!"They said and stand up.

"You're not coming?"Jimin asked which snapped my toughts.

"No..."I simply said and he nodded leaving me alone in the table.

A while ago a guy who formally dressed sit beside me with his arm spread on the top of the chair.

I just look at him for a second and look away.

Then he suddenly talk."Did you fall from heaven?"That's why I don't like going to party because of a lame and cheesy pick up lines.

I smiled."How about you?Did you fall from heaven?"

"Why? It's because I look like angel?"He said bite his lower lip.

"*smirk*because I think your face landed first on the land."I said and the smile fades.

"Stupid."He retort and walked away from me.

I'm not that easy,boy!


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