41.Bad Girl

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Minji's POV

2 weeks later.

It's been I week since I left Korea,but I'm still not comfortable,thinking about Jungkook's condition.I'm thinking if he already find out that I left Korea.His face while crying is keep on flashing in my mind.I think seeing Jungkook crying is one of my weakness.

I spend most of my time here in my room,not even going out to see the city,which make me feel like evil spirit who don't want to feel a sunlight.Below my eyes is a black bag that I must get from crying every night.I'm totally messed and I don't how would my future husband react when he see his future wife like a zombie.

Suddenly my phone buzz to see an unknown number send me a picture.I tap to see the picture clearly.My world deluge to see Jungkook and Hanuel hugging each other in the park where we always promenade.A tear escaped on my eyes as soon they fall on my both cheeks.

I must be happy seeing Jungkook happy and not even feel any pain because of my sudden parting.That's all I want to see him happy,but there's something's that made me feel painful.

"I hope you happy,asshole."I mumbled some words and wiped my tears away.Then someone press the door bell outside,well I'm alone here in my house since my parents left for a business trip and our maids are on day off,so no choice I'll see it by myself.

I lazily stand from my bed, only wearing pajamas and white T-shirt,my hair is in a loose messy bun and also look pale since I didn't eat my breakfast yet.

I opened the door to see a teenage girl standing with a Tupperware on her hands."Ahh.Good morning aunt Where is Ms.Minji."Aunt?do I look Aunt?

"I'm Minji.Why?"I said pissed to her for calling me 'Aunt'.

"Ah..I-I'm so-sorry..I thought you're a maid."Aunt then now maid.

"My mother just want to me to give this to you this."She said while handing me a Tupperware.I quickly took it."I gotta go."Before I could say Thank you,she already left.

I put the Tupperware on the fridge and made my way again to my room,I don't have to appetite to eat,since it's not a Korean dishes.

I plopped on the bed and sighed heavily."Do I look Aunt or maid?"I asked myself while staring to the ceiling.I stand up from my bed and walked towards to the mirror to see my own reflection.

I'm totally messed,those eye bags really making to look like a zombie,my messy bun which made me like a maid.My meager and my pale skin really made me look like an Aunt who already have 12 kids.

Then the picture of Hanuel and Jungkook hugging each other flashed on my mind.

And an idea enter my mind.What if I change my physical appearance which make all of them shocked whenever they see me?What if I change my physical appearance from cute girl to bad sassy girl?

Without any hesitation,I quickly made my way bathroom and take a bath.


"What style do you want?"The professional stylist asked while his fingers are running down my hair.

"Make me like a bad girl."I said as I curved the corner of my lips to a devilish smile.

"*smirk*I see."

The stylist also give me a beauty,make up and fashion tips which really helpful for the image I want.After waiting for a couple of hours we finally done.

"Look at yourself."The stylist said as I waked towards the mirror to see my long straight hair is only on my armpits.My bangs which covering my forehead is set aside.My light make up turned into a dim one.I'm look stunning,inner glowing skin and stylish clothing,I know about fashion but my own style is not professional one.If you combine all I really  look like a BAD  GIRL.I can't believe to see how much I change.

"There you are,bad girl."The stylist said and I just smirk.




~cute savge~

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