31.I'm Sorry

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Minji's POV

"Aghhhh!I'm tired!"If my car didn't broken I don't need to walk to go to the terminal.

Now,I'm walking here in the empty road.Where you know, crimes happened, because only few vehicles and people past here.

"Found you again."I can't believe that I'm not scared to him,this time.

I closed my eyes and let a deep sigh calm me.I turned around to face him."What do you want?"I asked as I crossed my elbow over my chest and rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Woah!Brave!I didn't see that side of you!"He said and travel his hand on my cheeks.

I slapped his hand."Don't you dare to touch me again."I said and my sharp gaze is on him.

He smirk as put his hand on his side and he looked at me angry,then he push me until my back feel the wall.He approach with a sharp gaze and put his hand on my neck.

"Why are you so brave?!Is it because Jungkook always saves you?!"He yelled and his eyes deeply looking at me.

"Let....me...go...Or else.....I'll....kick you...."I try my best to say that words because he is holding my neck very tight.

Looks like he didn't heard anything.He leaned his closer to mine and before his lips touch mine,I kick the between his two legs.

After I kick him,he ended lying on the road holding the part where I kick.I leave him the road yelping in pain.

Don't try me,Jinwoo.


The dressing room is so silence which make me feel relax after a fight with Jinwoo.Until the door suddenly opened and Jungkook entered it.He stood in front of of me and stomped his two hands on the table.

"Why you didn't tell me that Jinwoo harm you lately?!"He asked angry.

I want to tell him how Jinwoo feel the pain lately but just nevermind it.

"Why should I?Nothing happened to me."I said and added some playful smirk at my last sentence.

"But still."He retort so I look at his eyes deeply.

"You don't need to worry.*chuckled*Don't mind me."I said go back to work,ignoring his presence.

"Who am I talking at?An ordinary person,reminding me to not to worry?"He said and I looked at him.

"Ju-"I was cut off when he smirk and leave me alone in the dressing room.

I remember he's not a friend anymore, then I should threat him different to a friend.


I drying my hair while humming my favorite song,just prevailing my happiness to covered how disappointed I am today in myself.

Jungkook.He didn't even send me a message or any miss call.He hates me.

I grabbed my phone and text him.

Me:Be at park.

I shortly typed and send it.

I am here at the bench, patiently waiting for him.Until he appeared on my sight,my lips suddenly curved but then fade when I saw him coldly staring at me.

Now he is on my front,wearing a white T-shirt and black jeans.

"What's that face?!"I asked and chuckeled,trying to make the situation better,but I failed he didn't even bother to smile a lil.

I sighed and look down."Look I'm sorry for not telling you."I said and in the middle of my sentence,I lift my head to look at him.I caressed his cheeks,but he just gently brushed it away and my eyes become teary.

He stared at me frown,I walk closer to him,I wrapped my arms around his neck and tiptoed to reach his height.Then,I crashed my lips on his, hoping that he's going to forgive me.At a few moments he just stood in frozen but then he pulled my waist closer to him and kiss me back.

I broke the kiss and looked at his eys deeply,waiting for him to say something,then he parted his lips."You must tell me,because I'm your boyfriend,what if something bad happened to you?"He said scolding me a bit.

"...I'm sorry..."I said and then he pulled me to a tight hug.

We chatted for a while and things get better. Jungkook sent me home.As we reached my gate,I turned to face him."Goodnight.."He said and pulled me to give me some peck on my lips.

"Goodnight.."I respond as I opened the gate and for one more time I turned to face him.

He then chuckeled."Want some more,huh."He said and walked towards me.He leaned his face  to mine and he put his both hands on my cheeks,then planted a kiss to my forehead,nose,both cheeks and on my lips.

"You'll have a nice dream,because of that."He said and I watch his back slowly disappear on my sight.

"I love you,Jungkook."I mumbled and I entered my house.




~cute savage~

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