39.Going Back

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Minji's POV

After we left the hospital, Jimin and I quickly headed to their house.His house is like mine,not too big and not too small.He opened the door for me and toys everywhere can be seen, seems like kids play here,which make me think that he already have a children's.

"Hey!Hey! That's what you think! It's my niece toys."He said which make looked at him in disbelief.

"How di-"I was cut off by a sudden scream."OPPA!"The girl said from upstairs,she quickly go down stairs and hugged Jimin's waist."I miss you.''The girl said.

"Aish,I just left you for 2 hours."Jimin said as he pinch the girl's cheek which make her giggles.

"Who's that girl?"She asked pointing me with a wide smiled.

"Ah..she is my fri-friend,Minji."He said and the girl mouthed an 'O' and nodded then Jimin suddenly put his finger on his lips,signing the girl to shut up.

Something is going on here.

"Unnie did you cry?"She asked and I just chuckled.

"Don't cry if only for a boy, there is a lot boy anywhere.*giggles*right oppa?"She asked and after her last word we both looked at Jimin,he is fuckening speechless.

"Ye-yes...You're really talkative..I'm just going to cooked you lunch..And Minji the guest room is right beside her room..If you want to rest you can rest there..Minnie will be there for you."He said and the girl beside me holds my hand and we both go upstairs.

Jungkook's POV

Minji must be looking for me this time,since it's already lunch,no on will deliver her meal.I opened her room and just a properly fixed bed is there.I step backwards to see if I'm in the right room number.

I'm in the right room,but why Minji is not here,then a nurse walked past by me."Ahh..Miss where is the patient here?"I asked and then the nurse seems like trying to remember.

"Is it Park Minji?"She asked and I quickly nodded."Ahh..She already leave the hospital 3 hours ago."She said and turned around to walked away.

Why she didn't tell me?

I started to think a random stuff,but the first thoughts entered my mind is, maybe she misunderstood the scene in Hanuel's room lately.

Within a split of seconds,I quickly leave the hospital and ride my car going to the park,where she always stay when she needs to cry.

I park my car on the sidewalk and run towards the park,which only few meters away.I looked for her in the park but she's not there.

I run again to the sidewalk where I park my car and headed to the Bighit.I park my car on the parking lot and walked towards our dance room.

The happy conversation of my co-members are audible,so I'm hoping that Minji is there.I twisted the door knob and there happiness replace by a disappointed face.They all go quiet,which make me think that I've done something bad.

When I saw that Minji is not there,I quickly closed the door and walked towards the hallway.

"Jungkook."A deep voice called my name,I turned around to see V hyung with his hands are on his pocket.

He walked to approach me,"You must asking why that is our expression when we saw you."He said and I just nodded."That's because we really disappointed to you."He said as I looked at him."You must looking for Minji right?"He asked and I just stayed quiet then nodded."She is Jimin's house.. Don't tell then I'm the one who told you where is she,I swear she will kill me."He said and turned around to walked away from me.

After the conversation with V hyung I quickly drive to Jimin's house which is only few meters away from the Bighit.

I park my car in front of their gate and I quickly go out in my car.I press the door bell for a several time,but no one open it.

"Coming~"It is Jimin hyungs voice.He opened the gate and the smile on his face is replace by a shocked.

"Ju..Jungkook..."He said in nervousness."Hyung,please take me to Minji."I begged as I hang my head lower."Come.."He said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me to his house.

We sit on his couch."Jungkook,Minji don't want to see you,but because we are friends I'm going to help you,but I don't think if Minji is going to forgive you because he saw you kissing Hanuel in her room lately."He said and my presentiment is right at all.

"Hyung..We didn't kissed.I'm just blowing her eyes since she said that it's hurt..."I said and almost shout but I manage myself.

"Well,Jungkook I believe you... You're a kind of person who really serious to love someone..If you want to see her..She is the guest room,sleeping."He said and we both headed to the guest room.

Jimin carefully opened the door while I'm on his back.He opened the door widely for me to see Minji quietly sleeping with her arm is wrapped around on Jimin's niece.He removed Minji's harm on his niece and lift his niece,then they both leave the room.

Minji's eyes is really swollen,telling me that she cry so bad,and there's still a tears on her cheek.I felt really bad for her.I want to explain to her,but maybe she need more time.

I caressed her hair and wiped the tears away on her cheeks.I kiss her eyelids,and she move a bit.Then I place a kiss on her lips and decided to leave the room,she might see me here.

I'm sorry,Minji.

Minji's POV

I opened my eyes and I quickly touch my lips,I feel like someone kiss it.Nevermind maybe it just a lovely dream again.

My phone buzz,which Jimin bought for me,since my phone is broken and I lost my purse.

It's a number of my Mother,I quickly pick it up and put the phone my ears.

Number:Pack your things,you're going back here in America....




~cute savage~

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