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Minji's POV

My alarm clock ring,and yes it's morning, I need to be so called 'PA' again.I reached the alarm clock on my table and throw it God knows where.But the harsh sound of it annoyed me.So,I stand up and I feel my head sting.

"Ouch!I thought I got this yesterday when Jungkook make me wet."I said while massaging my temple.

"Achoooo!"I sneeze and made my way to the bathroom.


"Aghhh!My head is so painful."I said while my eyes is close and massaging my temple.

"Ow!"Someone said when I bumped to him.

I opened my eyes and I saw Jimin and his hands is in my front.I held his hands as I stand from being sit on the floor.

"Are you okay?"He asked putting his hands on my forehead.

"I'm fine,thank you."I said as he removed his hands on my forehead and I gave him a fake smile.Believe me or not but I'm really good at faking smile.

"Are you su-"Jimin was going to say something when Jungkook called me.

"Minji,I've waited so long,come on."He said and bid my goodbye to Jimin and followed Jungkook at parking lot.

I enter the car and I saw a lot of plastic bags at the back seat."Where are we going?"I asked as I entered the car.

"I'm going to have photo shoot today for magazine."He said and believe me or not but I'm speechless this time.

"Why?I deserve it.A face like this is needed to a magazine."He said pointing his face and I feel the wind become so brunt.

"How so arrogant."I said as smirk.I started the engine of the car and I saw Jungkook's chuckled on the mirror above the car.

I don't know why he suddenly change.He's not making me pissed anymore.This attitude of him making him more handsome and making my heart crazy.

Jungkook's POV

I went to the dressing room to change outfit.I opened the door and I saw my clothes is properly fix on the table.

"Oh!Jungkook make it fast and change your outfit."Minji said snapping my thoughts.

"With you here?"I asked making her stop to what she is doing.She looks at me and her cheeks slowly turned to red one.

"Of course no!"He said and chuckled awkwardly.He walk past by me and went outside.

"Aish,that girl"


The photo shoot is already ended and I'm going to  the dressing room.I opened the door and I saw Minji sleeping at the table making her arms as her pillow.

Her cute and weak snores make me  not to be noisy.
I put my clothes on plastic bag as Minji woke up.

"Oh!Are you done?"She asked and yawned.

"Yes, let's go."I said and as I lift all the plastic bags.

Minji's POV

I woke up and I saw Jungkook already done in packing his clothes.

"Oh!Are you done?"I asked and yawned.

"Yes, let's go."He said and he lift all the plastic bags which make me surprised by his sudden acts.


We are here at the parking lot and my head is so painful.

I stop for a while and massage my temple.

"Are you okay?"Jungkook asked with sincere concerned eyes.

"Yes."I said and gave him a fake smile.

I entered the driver seat and Jungkook surprised me when he is in driver seat.

"You sit at the back seat.I won't let you to drive in that kind of situation."He said in a serious tone making me feel that he is my strict boyfriend.

Okay Minji just imagine.

His sudden change of his personality making me go crazy.


It's already 9:56 pm but Jungkook didn't come back yet.He went to meet his girlfriend at the cafe where they always go.I'm here at the bench where Jungkook left me on the first day of my work.And I think the mosquitoes are already full because they bite me non stop.
Maybe after this I averted to dengue.And until now my head ache is killing me.

"Aish,my head."I said and a pair of red converse appear on the grass where I'm looking at.
I looked up and I saw Jungkook with an unpainted face that makes me think that there's something happened between him and his girlfriend.

"Are you okay?"He asked and nodded with a fake smile.

He put the back of his hands my forehead and then looked at me worriedly.

"Let's go."He said and pulled my hands gently.

"Where?"I asked."At my house."He quickly answered.

"Uhmm.No I'm going home."I said trying to slip my hands on his hands but I failed.

"No.I'm not going to let you go home knowing how bad your condition is."He said and opened the door of the back seat.

His words making the hair of my body stands.

While Jungkook is driving I feel the sleepiness attacks me.I closed my eyes and fell asleep.




~cute savage~

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