46.He's Back

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Minji's POV

I feel so free,I feel so relief and seems like all the bruise on my heart turns to scar.All the pain in my heart which making my heart so heavy,fades like a bubble.

I'm here in the terrace of my room watching some children's playing outside since it's snowing.A smile appeared on my lips when a pair of arms is wrapped around my waist.It's so cold right now but his presence warm me.

"I thought you're going to your friends."I said looking at him.He smiled,"It's just BTS and Twice want to meet up.I just want to spend my time with my fiancee."He makes my cheeks burn up.

"You still have it."He said as he hold my hands and I realize he is referring on the ring on my annulary which he gave me."Yes ,I never remove it."I response,"That's why meet again, because that's sign that you're mine forever."He said,he's really cheesy.

"You're really cheesy."I said as I pinch his nose.Afterwards he unwrapped his arm on my waist and leave me alone in the terrace,watching the snowfall.

Then I heard some footstep of him walking and I turned around only to see him dragging a blanket.

He pulled me down on his place as place me on his lap and covered our body with the blanket.A pair of arms slipped on my waist,hugging me tightly from the back which tickles since I'm sitting on his lap.

"Hey! that tickles."I said trying to removed his hands but he tickled me for real.

Our giggle can be heard and the blanket is already on our side until he stopped tickling me as he hugged me tightly.

I pulled the blanket back and we both watch the beautiful snowfall."The snowfall is beautiful."I said out of nowhere.

"But you're more beautiful...."

He's so cheesy.


I'm here in the kitchen cooking some breakfast since Jungkook is going to the office.Afterwards I heard his footstep going downstairs,wearing his office attire.

"Good morning babe."He said as he pulled my waist and peck my lips.The word 'babe'is so strange since it comes out on his mouth.

"Go.. good morning.."I greeted as we both sit on the dining table eating our breakfast.

"You must cook a lot soon."He said out of no where and my curiosity attack."Why?"I asked while keep on eating."Because we will have a kid."He playfully said and I chocked on my food.

"Aish,by the way I'm going home early because the designer is going get our body measure for our attire on our wedding day in your Mom's house."He said as he wiped his mouth with tissue and walked towards the door and go out.

Leaving me without any goodbye kiss?

Then afterwards the door opened again and Jungkook entered the house.

It's like a drama he forgot something which is my goodbye kiss.Uwu~

"I forgot my file case."He said as he walked towards the couch and grabbed his file case.I lost my hope so I went to the sink and wash the plates.Then he hold my wrist and turned me around to face him.He place a kiss on my lips which make ma have a butterflies on my stomach.

"Goodbye..."He said and walk away from me."One more time."He said as he walked towards me and kissed me so passionately,pulling my waist closer to him.

"I love you..."He said and then leave with a smile on my face.I look lunatic smiling alone.


Time ticked so fast and now Jungkook and I is in the house after the designer took our body measures.I'm tired and feel sleepy but when I saw the stink full of use plates and the our dirty clothes on the laundry basket,I take all my energy and walked towards the sink to wash all the plates.

Then Jungkook is again back hugging me with his chin is on my shoulder."Yah!move aside."I said since I can't wash the plates properly,but he just ignored so I turned around to face him."Go down."I said for me level his height,and he did.

"You was dishes and I'm going to do the laundry."I said but he just shook his head."Then do the laundry and I'll continue washing the plates."I said but for the second he just shook his head."The move aside so I can wash the pla-"I was cut off when put his index on my lips.

"I'll do them both.."He said gently push me aside and watching him washing the plates.My heart keep pounding watching him washing the plates.


"I should start exercising so my wedding gown will fit me."I said while choosing some clothes before taking a bath.Afterwards Jungkook wrapped his arms on my waist and kissing my neck,which send chills on my spine.

"Hey,what are you doing?"I asked,"You say you want to exercise right,then I help you."He said as he me lift in a bridal style and lie me on the bed with him on my top kissing my collarbone.

He crashed his lips on mine,I wrapped my arms around him and he kissed me deeply.Why he is such a good kisser?

The moan gets louder as his kiss went lower......


I wake up in the morning with a body pain,but I do my best to stand up and wear some clothes on my closet.I went to the bathroom and started splashing my face with cold and water brushed my teeth.As soon Jungkook went out on the shower topless and I can't stop looking at his toned abs.He hugged me from the back and pulling me closer to his body.

"Jungkook~"I said trying to slipped on his arm,but he was strong enough,and now his hugging on my front.

"Let go."I said while removing his arms."Kiss me first."Without hesitation I tiptoed and peck his lips."What?Is that a kiss?"He asked and I again tiptoed and kiss him sweetly.He pulled the back of my neck and kiss went deeper.He lift me and make sit on the counter.He continues kissing me and then we pulled away.He is attempting to kiss me again but I put my index finger on his  lips.

"Yah!Look what you did."I said pointing the hickeys on my neck."I intended it for you to not wear any revealing and tops."He said proudly.

"You must look also on the masterpiece you made on my back."He said showing a lot of reddish bruise on his back.And now I'm embarrassed again.


I'm now alone in the house since Jungkook went to the office,I'm watching some drama and I'm the verge of crying when someone bang on the door making my tears flinch.

I stand on the couch."It's nicer to knock than to bang."I said as I twisted the door knob and I almost fainted when I saw a guy with a grin on his face.





~cute savage~

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