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Minji's POV

2 days later...

I put my phone on the corner of my bed and throw myself on the bed.I stared on my pink hanging clock which my mother gave me when I was in the middle school.

When you're child, everything seems wonderful and beautiful.As you grow old it's more beautiful.Love and Care is the two feelings which make me happy and secure.

Afterwards,I heard a knock which interrupted my day dream.

"Come in~"I said and door opened widely.

"Are you going somewhere?"Uncle asked standing on the door with his two arms are folded on his chest.

"I'm just going to have tea with my friends."I said as I sit on the bed.

"Well that's good, because in the afternoon you're going to fetch the daughter of my friend on the airport.Their company will also invest on our company."He said massaging his temples.

"Well..I gotta go.."I said as I smiled on him and leave him.

"Tell me do you have a boyfriend,right?"My uncle asked which make me look at him with a nervous face.

"Uhmmmm...I do-"I was cut off which make my heart beats fast.Believe me whenever he cut me off there's always a thing that makes us two argue.

"Well, it's okay if it's Jungkook.He is nice and kind.So there's no problem with me when you two are dating."He said and let himself cracked a smile on his last sentence.

"How did you know?"I asked out of curiosity.

"Well,Bangtan is not really good on keeping secrets."He said and walked past by me leaving me in confusion.

Well my uncle is the type of person who will going to kill me if I dated some guy,but it's a miracle that he  don't even scold me for dating Jungkook.Nevermind,but at least I don't need to hide anything from him.


"..Where are we going?"I asked while looking at Jungkook who is driving to a familiar road going to the dance university where we both attend.

"You'll see.."He said and winked at me."We're almost there."

"This is the dance university where we first met,right?"I asked looking at the school,it change a lot.

"Yes!This is where my feelings develop."He said and his last sentence he look at me.

"Tch,you don't even like me before."I said and smirk.

"Who tell you?"He asked raising a brow.

"It's came on your own mouth,I'm looking for my necklace that time when I accidentally heard your conversation with your friends.Your friends asked if you like me but your answer made my heart tear up into two parts.You answered of course no."I said and folded my arms on my chest and looked away.

"Yah!I said of course no, because like wasn't what I feel towards you that time."He paused and I looked at him."It's love."He said and my cheeks burn up.

"Yo-"I was cut off when I saw a familiar face.

"Jinyoung?"I asked myself and the guy looked at me.

"Hyerin?Jungkook?"He said pointing as and his another hand is holding a phone.

"Jinyoung!"Jungkook said as they fist bump leaving me behind.

Am I ghost?

"Men!How are you?! You're an idol right?"Jinyoung asked and the smile on his didn't fade as if it's there first meeting after a long time ago.

"Ah!Yes!"Jungkook shortly answered.

"Hyerin?"Ughh!finally they notice me!

"Hi!"I said curved the cornee of my lips.

"Wait,are you two dating?"He asked after Jungkook wrapped his arm on waist.

We both nodded."Aish,I still remember how much Jungkook really like you before,and how Hyerin cried to me when she thought that Jungkook didn't like her back after he heard our conversation in the room."Jinyoung said while the remembering those memories.

"By the way,what are you doing here?"I asked changing the topic,because you know I'm embarrassed.

"Well I'm dance choreographer here."He said as he looked at his wrist watch."I gotta go!The break is ended.Nice meeting you again! Invite me in your wedding day,okay."Jinyoung said while walking away.

"Suree~"Jungkook said and waved to Jinyoung.

Wedding? Seriously?

"So you cry,huh?''He teased and he pinch my nose.

"Whatever."I said as I slipped my waist from his arm and walked away.

"Minji!Wait!"He said and I hastened my footstep.

I stopped walking when a pair of arms are wrapped around my waist,pulling me closer to his body.

"I'm just kidding?"He said and kissed my temple and I can't help myself to chuckled.

"That's only what you want,huh?My kiss?"He teased again so I glare at him.

"I'm just kidding."He said and tickled me.

"Yah! Stop tickling me!"I said while trying to slipped myself on his arms,but he is strong enough.I  turned around to face him,and planted a quick peck on his lips,then he stop tickling me.He stood in frozen as if it was his first kiss.

"Yah!Look at you face!"I said and run away.





~cute savage~

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